11 May 2020

MOAR MONEY!!! + Back To Monarchs And Serfs + The Fastest Horse

Max and Stacy discuss the 2.999 trillion (BARGAIN!) the US Treasury expects to borrow for the April– June quarter. They also discuss the ‘infinity war’ that’s raging as central banks around the world expand their menu for their balance sheet – from corporate bonds to consumer loans, everything is on the table for the free-money buffet. In the second half, Max interviews Lawrence Lepard of ema2.com about the Rubicon being crossed as the US government goes direct to helicoptering money. They discuss gold and bitcoin in this era of infinite fiat.


"North Korea is more progressive than the US. ...North Korea is what every country would turn in to if women were in charge." 

"We Sent Them Samples Of A Goat, A Papaya & A Pheasant": Tanzanian President Catches WHO In Epic Lie

Yet another indication that the WHO truly is "badly broken"
By Tyler Durden: As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases explodes across Africa, the creeping involvement of the WHO has made some leaders suspicious of the NGO. Tanzanian President John Magufuli was growing suspicious of the organization, so he reportedly decided to investigate whether the organization was as trustworthy and reliable as it claimed to be.
He played what the local press described as "a trick" on the organization: He sent the WHO samples of a goat, a papaya and a quail for testing.
All three samples reportedly tested positive. When the president heard the news, he reportedly confronted the WHO, then kicked the organization out of the country. Though, to be sure, the WHO has yet to comment on the situation.

Bill Gates’ CREEPY Covid Response

"Does anyone else get absolutely terrified when we talk about contact tracing?"
Steven Crowder fact checks Bill Gates during CNN's Town Hall.