14 May 2020

On The Jews' Plans to Annex AKA Steal More Of Indigenous Gentiles' West Bank

 Gilad Atzmon: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says the Palestinian Authority’s agreements with Israel and the United States will be “completely cancelled” if Israel annexes the occupied West Bank.

Opposing Lockdown Is Not "Profits Before People"

The lockdown is killing more
people than the virus
Authored by Kit Knightly: Ever since the UK entered “lockdown”, those pushing for it to end have been labelled “callous” or “selfish” or accused of putting profits before people. Meanwhile millions are unemployed and a global famine is on the horizon. The lockdown will kill more people than the virus, and needs to be ended.

The lockdown has been “eased”. Apparently. Some people should go back to work, schools might be opening a bit. You can see one person at a time. You’d be forgiven for not noticing any tangible difference. You’d be more forgiven for thinking it’s a contrived mess designed to confuse and distract people.
Essentially: We are very much still under lockdown, and likely to be so for the foreseeable future. And it is still, very much, a destructive policy which will ruin many more lives than the virus.

Toppling Fiat With Memes "Intellectual Copulation"

"Money printer go brrr"
Max and Stacy discuss Elon Musk’s comment on the power of memes to go viral. His fear is that AI will one day weaponize this power. In the meantime, there is bitcoin and its community of memers and the power of the ‘money printer goes brrr’ to topple the fiat establishment. In the second half, Max interviews Raoul Pal of Global Macro Investor and Real Vision Group about the arrival of Paul Tudor Jones into the bitcoin space and whether or not this will spur interest from the larger hedge fund investors.

Sex Robots Are Not The Problem

johntheother: If feminists can convince men that the feminist hate ideology is normal, and that all or most women share it - Sex robots will have no market, because they're a substitute for women.