10 Jun 2020

BDS v Apartheid: UK Public Figures Call For Sanctions Against The Jews In Occupied Palestine

European countries shamed into inaction by the Jewish lobby, Jewish Hollywood propaganda and proven controlled biased lame-stream media.
By Asa Winstanley: More than 100 lawmakers, artists, trade unionists and activists in the UK on Monday issued a call for sanctions on Israel over its latest plan to annex Palestinian lands.
It is the latest win for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
The public statement calls for sanctions, including a ban on sales of settlement goods and an end to the arms trade with the Jews.

Can We Survive Our Collective Stupidity?

'Feminists have created men who prefer plastic “sex dolls” to a flesh and blood woman with emotions and a brain, I put “#Me/Too” in the catagory of bioweapons'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: I have come to the conclusion that collectively Americans are mentally and emotionally stupid.  On any given day there is endless evidence that this is the case.  Just a few selections from news of the last couple of days should suffice to establish the point.
Instead of reforming police training as a rational response to George Floyd’s death from an aggressive restraint technique, the Minneapolis city council voted to disband the Minneapolis police. Council woman Lisa Bender responded to a citizen’s question what she is supposed to do if she faces a threat in her home and there are no police to call: