26 Jun 2020

My Friends: Get Ready For What Is Coming ~ Black Marxists Lives Matter

johntheother: Do not let them provoke you into unproductive anger. Just see and understand what's coming, and prepare yourself. Select for your own survival.

Catherine Austin Fitts – We Are Watching The "Mother Of All Debt Entrapments"

vanessa beeley: Terrifying interview which covers genetic engineering, contact tracing, surveillance strategy, vaccines, nano-particles. Focus on the debt entrapment and financial double-dealing under cover of Covid-19. 5G, crowd control technology. "We are financing the people attacking and destroying us" "We have two choices, one is freedom, one is slavery" "This is what WW3 looks like"

Blinken Reveals How Obama & Biden Helped The Jews Massacre Indigenous Gentiles In Gaza 2014

During the Jews' 2014 onslaught against Gaza Mega Concentration Camp, Israel said ‘jump,’ and Obama and Biden jumped… to the tune of a quarter of a billion US taxpayer dollars
By Alison Weir: President Barack Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor – and current Biden campaign senior advisor – recently described how Obama and Biden had helped Israel during its 2014 onslaught against Gaza.
Israel had said ‘jump,’ and Obama and Biden had jumped – to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars. (This is on top of the $10 million per day that Israel was already getting from American taxpayers.)
Here’s the story:
Tony Blinken served as Deputy National Security Advisor under President Barack Obama and currently is a senior advisor to presidential candidate Joe Biden. He recently participated in the American Jewish Committee’s virtual Global Forum.

Jewish Lobbyist Describes Ways To Siphon US Gentiles Money For The Jews To Pillage Gentiles, Despite Recession

If Americans Knew: Over 30 million Americans have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus. American businesses have closed and the U.S. economy is devastated. Yet, the Jewish lobby works to ensure that Gentile American taxpayers will continue to give the Jews over $10 million per day...