White Professors Live In Fear

Tyranny rules the universities
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Academics, if they are white, live in fear of their jobs.  Professors lost their authority when administrations ceased backing them and instead allowed student complaints to result in investigations.  Once an investigatory procedure is in place, it keeps itself funded by investigating. Feminist complaints, followed by political correctness, had the investigative process well oiled prior to the rise of wokism.   Now almost any word can be turned into an offense requiring investigation.  One professor is in trouble because he read to the class Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham jail.”  King’s letter contained the word, “nigger.”  By reading aloud King’s letter, the professor committed hate speech and perhaps a hate crime. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/06/12/education-is-offensive-and-racist-and-so-is-america/ 
There are more ridiculous examples than this. See, for example, https://www.forbes.com/sites/evangerstmann/2020/06/26/white-lives-dont-matter-academic-freedom-and-freedom-of-speech/#6f1f2c703823 
Not only do professors have to try to anticipate the next offensive word or expression—you can’t say things like “girls night out” for example—but also they live in fear of something that they might have written years ago.

Every Billionaire Is A Predator: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Step 1: Be the billionaire class.
Step 2: Buy up all news media.
Step 3: Structure outlets to elevate voices who defend the status quo.
Step 4: Smear non-plutocratic media who don’t protect the status quo as crazy conspiracy theorists and Russian propaganda.
Step 5: Dominate the narrative about what’s going on in the world.
By Caitlin Johnstone: Mainstream news is just advertising. You watch advertisements for maintaining the plutocratic status quo, then you watch advertisements between those advertisements for useless crap to make plutocrats even richer. It’s all just different layers of marketing. When I was getting my journalism degree they used to talk about journos selling their souls and going into marketing, going into PR. It’s like bitch, you’re already doing that.

The Serbian People Force Their Government To Scrap Curfew - Jews Force African Gentiles To Wear Number Of The Beast

The Post-COVID Population Control Grid
The Jews plan to subjugate the Gentile people of West Africa by means of a biblical 666 Biometric Identity Payment System.

Ex-Google Tech Lead: "Why Diversity Policy Is Toxic"

Tyler Durden: We’re told that institutional ‘bias reduction’ training and ‘diversity’ hiring policies are meant to create an inclusive environment which values and respects minorities.
Certainly, as 21st Century Wire notes, Silicon Valley believes it is leading the world in advancing such values.
Upon closer inspection, the opposite seems to be the case.
Diversity training and hiring practices do not extinguish prejudice – they actually promote it.
Ex-Google and Facebook employee, Patrick Shyu, explains why ‘diversity’ policy creates more problems than solutions.