The Question Concerning Covid-19 And Technology

'We are now, in fact, removed from the Western Athenian ethos that subscribes to pluralism, openness and, most important, a relentless and OPEN search for truth in wisdom. We seem pretty happily occupied by the so-called Jerusalem way of thinking.'
By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: At a time of health crisis one would expect to see an open global scholarly, multi disciplinary debate among scientists, scholars from different fields, politicians and finance experts. Not only does such a discourse not exist, what we have seen instead is a crude attempt to eradicate any such exchange. It isn’t our governments that interfere with this crucial discourse:  it isn’t Trump or the FBI that deleted seven million FB posts that didn’t agree with the World Health Organisation’s narrative. It wasn’t the Tories or Boris Johnson who erased thousands of salient videos from Youtube. It has been the work of the giant technology companies operating in concert to silence dissenting views.

Facts v Feelings - Neo-Colonialist Melanie Phillips

On a good day Melanie Phillips analyses the decay of truth in relation to family, as objective reality is made to fit with one's subjective feelings. Sadly she has a lot of experience as even on her good days she exemplifies her own analysis being an active Zionist of the neo-colonialist occupation of Palestine enacting the slow motion genocide of the indigenous Gentiles and a strong supporter of the Jewish "Apartheid Walls" and "Gaza and West Bank Mega Concentration Camps" where the Jews keep the indigenous Gentiles who's lands she and her Jewish people have stolen. Melanie herself lives in a house in Jerusalem stolen from a Gentile family that had lived there for countless generations before the Jews invaded.

Violent Women And Male Victims - Deborah Powney

UK researcher Deborah Powney recently conducting the world's largest survey of male victims and their experiences of partner abuse. The survey shatters some of the myths promoted by the feminist narrative, namely that men aren't victims of abuse, men don’t sustain dangerous physical abuse, men don't suffer the long-term psychological effects of abuse and men aren’t afraid of their partners.

Under Jewish Blockade In Gaza Mega Concentration Camp Gentile Survivors Suffer Blitzkrieg, Malnutrition And Misery

Behind "The Apartheid Wall" in occupied Palestine the Jews persist in making life so miserable for Gentiles that many who can leave do just that
– even if it costs them their lives.
Below are four reports: about the growing malnutrition among Gentile children, Palestinians terrorized by Jewish drones, Jewish Israel’s recent 12 days of bombing Gaza Mega Concentration Camp, etc.
stalks Gaza
By Isra Saleh el-Namey: reposted from The Electronic Intifada 27 August 2020
Muhammad Abu Amra has diabetes and cannot afford treatment.
He needs two insulin injections per day; each costs more than $7. He gets the medicine on credit.
The debt he owes to two pharmacies is continuously rising.
Muhammad and his family live in the Deir al-Balah area of central Gaza. Their home is in poor condition. It has holes in the walls and ceiling.