5 Sept 2020

You Can Have Peace Or The US Empire - You Can’t Have Both

Just in the last few days Jewish Israel has dropped cluster munitions and white phosphorus on southern Lebanon, bombed Gaza Mega Concentratiomn Camp, and fired missiles on Damascus, because Jewish Israel is a nation whose existence depends on unceasing military violence.
By Caitlin Johnstone: In order for Israel to continue existing as the imperialist apartheid state that it is, it needs to wage war in all directions at all times, both against its neighbors and against the increasingly brutalized Palestinian population. If the bombings end, so too does Israel as we know it, because the regional population will never stand for its oppression, tyranny, and multiple illegal occupations.
Peace and Israel are therefore two mutually exclusive concepts. You can have peace or you can have today’s Israel; you can’t have both.

Europeans Discover Myth About 'Safety Nets' The Hard Way

This collision of reality brought Europe to a logical conclusion. The money that is a consequence of production, and that only has value where there’s production, plainly ran out...
What’s that Thatcher said about socialists,
that eventually they run out of
other people’s money?
Authored by John Tamny: Economic discussions would be much better if it were understood that no one receives dollar, euro, yen, pound or yuan “aid.” They receive the goods that those currencies can be exchanged for. Money on its own doesn’t feed, shelter or clothe. It’s only useful insofar as it’s accepted by the producers of actual goods and services.
This simple truth is hopefully useful as a backdrop to what’s happening in Europe right now.
As Liz Alderman of the New York Times reported on Tuesday, Europeans are presently suffering rather painful job cuts. In Alderman’s words, “At BP, 10,000 jobs. At Lufthansa, 22,000. At Renault, 14,600.”

Our Public Health Officials Are In the Pocket Of Big Pharma

The corrupt officials are doing all they can do to prevent the public from having known effective treatments for Covid so that Bill Gates and Big Pharma can maker $billions marketing a vaccine.
US FDA Wants to Ban NAC Now That It Combats COVID-19
By Joseph Mercola: N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has a long history of use as a first-aid remedy for acetaminophen poisoning. Emergency room physicians will administer it in cases when you’ve taken an overdose of Tylenol or other acetaminophen products. The way it neutralizes the toxic effects of the drug is by recharging glutathione, thereby preventing liver damage.
Interestingly, NAC may also be useful against COVID-19, as explained by pulmonologist Dr. Roger Seheult in the MedCram lecture above.