7 Sept 2020

UK: Deaths Whilst Paying Child Maintenance

'From the most recent (2020) FOI, paying parents (~95% fathers) are about 142% more likely to die than receiving parents (95% mothers).'
By MRA-UK: Is there an association between parental separation and suicidality? The claim that there is such an association is sometimes made out to be contentious. It should not be contentious. In The Empathy Gap section I reviewed more than two dozen academic studies addressing the issue (using data from Anglophone or European countries, none of which related to Great Britain). This provided clear evidence that parental separation does indeed increase suicidality for both sexes, but substantially more so for men than women. That there are no such studies in Great Britain is quite an indictment of our academy. However, there is another way of getting at the issue in GB.  
On 4th January 2015 the Sunday Express published this article Family separation sends parents to an early grave”.

Apocalypse Now! - Facemask Has Become Universal Skullcap

‘Fearful Jew’ (Yehudi Hared, חרד יהודי) is how the Hebrew language refers to a Jew. Anxiety is at the root of the Judaic thought. ...The Athens v Jerusalem dialectical battle serves to untangle the meaning of the current apocalyptic era and throw light on the above.
 ...The facemask has become our universal skullcap.’
By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon*: “Blessed is the one who always trembles before God, but whoever hardens their heart falls into trouble.” (Proverbs 28:14)
‘Blessed is the one who always trembles before Covid19, but whoever fails to put a facemask falls into trouble.’ (CDC 2020) For two decades, we, the people who happen to dwell on this planet, have been subjected to repeated apocalyptic hysteria. Following 9/11 we were taken into a world war against Islam as the ‘Islamists,’ we were told by our Neocon masters, were ‘intending to eradicate our civilization.’ Shortly after, the economic bubble collapsed. We were prepared for global poverty. Even as we recovered from the economic turmoil, global warming was threatening to grill us alive or maybe flush us into the ocean. In between all of those catastrophic scenarios, Isis was also a global existential threat and then came Covid-19.