29 Sept 2020

Just Before The Dam Breaks…

"Sweden is completely normal, no social distancing, no mask wearing, businesses are open streets are bustling with crowds of people, no restrictions, life is normal there. ...Interview this morning with the wonderful lady who runs the Abba museum here. I asked whether Swedish people thought the rest of the world were idiots in terms of what they were doing for COVID. "Well, yes" was the answer." Said Computing Forever

SCUM Manifesto

 Elizabeth Hobson

The magnetic North of feminism...

The Covid Deception

We have been deceived by public health authorities about Covid, partly from public authorities’ ignorance of the virus, its spread and treatment, but mainly on purpose.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: One reason we were intentionally deceived by public health authorities, and continue to be deceived by them, is to create a market for a Covid vaccination.  There are billions of dollars of profits in this, and Big Pharma wants them.  The financial connections between public health authorities and Big Pharma means that WHO, NIH, and CDC also desire mass vaccinations.  If there are not enough people scared out of their wits to voluntarily seek vaccination, the chances are vaccinations will be made mandatory or your ability to travel, and so forth, will be made dependent on being vaccinated.

What's The Conflict Between Greeks And Turks All About?

In modern times, after the bitterness over the Jews' Henry 'The Bastard' Kissinger ordering Turkey to Balkanise Greek Cyprus in 1974 and ordering the CIA Media subjugation of Greece, years of socialist governments followed and the Greeks were vehemently anti-American despite shared Western traditions.

Authored by Brandon Turbeville: The majority of people tend to think of the concept of history as if it is something relegated only to the past. As if they are not living through what will become history in the future. Doing so allows them to maintain a thought process that convinces them that world wars and European wars, in general, are over.