2 Oct 2020

Millennials Say They're Even Less Likely To Have Kids Now Thanks To COVID-19

'The "baby bust" seen over the last ten years as millennials waited longer to have children could end up looking less like a "blip" and more like a permanent, long-lasting trend.'

By Tyler Durden: The world's most developed countries are seeing population growth slow to a crawl, with the population of Japan, the EU and the US now expected to shrink between now and the beginning of the latter half of the 21st Century. As we noted on Jan. 1, the US recorded the slowest rate of population growth in a century between 2018 and 2019, thanks to the one-two punch of lower birth rates and declining immigration. But the US is in comparatively good shape relative to Japan, which is already seeing deaths outstrip births.

Stopping The Jews' Anti-Gentile Arms Industry

By Nora Barrows-Friedman:
On Episode 24 of The Electronic Intifada Podcast, we speak with several boycott campaigners taking direct action against corporations involved in the Jews' military occupation and settlement industry.

Huda Ammori of Palestine Action tells us about their strategy to end the presence of Jewish arms dealers in the UK.

“The weapons that are being made to use against [Palestinians] are being made in front of you, and we have an ability to stop it,” she says.

And we speak to Dalit Baum and Noam Perry of the American Friends Service Committee in the US about the new No Dough for the Occupation campaign targeting baked goods company Pillsbury and its parent corporation General Mills.

Breaking The Covid Trance: How The People Are Being Psychologically Manipulated

Computing Forever: Hypnotherapist identifies the powerful psychological conditioning and programming techniques at work in the lame stream media and the sinister ways that the populous are being manipulated into believing the COVID lies by learning how to identify the methods being used to influence our thinking.

Bill 'MGM King' Gates, Henry 'The Bastard' Kissinger And Our Dystopian Future

 “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it...”

- George Orwell

Authored by Mike Whitney: Can we agree that there are two types of Covid-19?

The first type, is Covid-19 ,”The Virus”, which is a fairly mild infection that most people don’t even realize they’ve contracted. They remain either asymptomatic or have slight flu-like symptoms that go away after a week or so. A tiny sliver of the population– that are mainly-older, vulnerable people with underlying health conditions– can develop complications, become seriously ill and die. But, according to most analysis, the chances of dying from Covid are roughly between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000 people. (CDC-IFR- 0.26%) In other words, Covid is not the Spanish Flu, not the Black Plague and the Genocidal Planetary Killer Virus it was cracked up to be.