7 Oct 2020

‘Successful’ People Are Misery Super-Spreaders

“We are led by the least among us – the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. We are led by the least among us and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons. ~ Terence McKenna

By Caitlin Johnstone: The term “super-spreader” has been popping up a lot in mainstream news media and Democrat-aligned partisan rhetoric in reference to President Trump and his habit of hosting of events without social distancing precautions which led to a spike in positive Covid-19 tests throughout the White House.

It’s an interesting phrase, because it highlights not just the way America’s plutocrat president conducts himself in the midst of a novel coronavirus, but the way he and his ilk live their lives generally as well.

US (Un)Civil War Escalates Towards The Real Thing America Is In Throes Of Unrest Unlike Any In Our 244-Year History

Nearly two thirds of Americans believe the US is on course for civil war...

By Michael Rectenwald: ...One third now support political violence. The first Civil War’s death toll won’t be beaten, but the second’s nation-destroying potential will be unequalled.

The American left and right no longer inhabit a common moral universe. In fact, that imagined universe does not exist. The old, cherished political notions no longer apply, if they ever did. Not only are the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ complete misnomers under the current configuration, but the players are not as they seem, or as they are made out to seem. 

First, Trump is hardly the stereotypical right-wing despot that the ‘resistance’ makes him out to be, his rough demeanor and coarse rhetoric notwithstanding. At the same time, the Democrats are hardly the vaunted champions of the ‘working class’ as imagined under the old dispensation.

International Group Of Lawyers Lawsuit - Covid Pandemic An Orchestrated Big Pharma & Police State Hoax

An International Group of Lawyers Has Brought a Lawsuit that the Covid Pandemic Is an Orchestrated Hoax on Behalf of Pharmaceutical Profits and Police State Control 

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Of the Utmost Importance - This will be taken down. Watch the video and save it before it is disappeared.

This Is A Spiritual Battle

Computing Forever
Paranoia and irrational fears rock the planet! Technocrat high priests rule the baby boomers! Generation X stands between humanity and an Orwellian nightmare!