16 Oct 2020

Blatant Censorship: The Great 2020 YouTube Purge Accelerates

"Truth is the new hate speech!"

Authored by Mac Slavo: A massive YouTube purge has taken place. Several channels have been removed from the platform proving truth is treason in the empire of lies.

Let me preface this by saying that whether you do or do not agree with the content published by some channels on YouTube, no one deserves to have the boot of tyranny on their throat or their voice silenced for any reason. Ever. 

“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” 

– George R.R. Martin.

As far as I, personally am concerned, the content published on any of the sites purged is irrelevant. Censorship in any and all forms is immoral all the time.

“Censorship is to society what cancer is to the body.” Brian, High Impact TV

Greenwashing: Jews Devastating The Natural Environment

The Zio-Jews have uprooted over 800,000 trees since 1967. (Image from MEMO)

The Jews' occupation of Palestine and their West Bank and Gaza Mega Concentration Camps for indigenous Gentiles has murdered the local Gentile people... devastated the environment… uprooted native trees… imposed polluting industries… prevented sustainable development… caused loss of biodiversity…

Fascism Is Entrenched At NYU

We are now at the point where the function of universities and the media is to deny obvious truth.

By Mark Crispin Miller: We the undersigned support the academic freedom of Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, now under siege at New York University for urging students in his propaganda course to read scientific literature on the effectiveness of masks against transmission of COVID-19. We see his situation as but one example of a growing global trend toward rigid censorship of expert views on urgent subjects of all kinds; so this petition is not just in his defense, but a protest on behalf of all professors, doctors, scientists and journalists who have been gagged, or punished for their rights to freely research, study, and interpret data on a variety of matters regardless of their controversial nature.