9 Nov 2020

There Has Been A Revolution Against Red State America, Not An Election

There are many credible reports of organized vote fraud committed by Democrats.  The only question is whether the Republican establishment will support challenging the documented fraud or whether Trump will be pressured to concede in order to protect the undeserved reputation of American Democracy. For those influenced by a partisan media that is denying the massive fraud that occurred, here is an overview of the elements of the fraud and the legal remedies. - PCR


By Brett Redmayne-Titley: In a further attempt to circumvent the intelligence of the voter, the American media machine has, this past Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, arbitrarily declared Joe Biden president. There are many problems with this report being accurate. The largest problem is that of the media itself.

The Democratic Facade

'In a world where all existential concerns reintroduced themselves as ‘global threats’ to do with: global warming, global financial turmoil, global pandemics etc., a state of bitter civil war is exactly where global capitalism wants us the people to be.'

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: On election day, countless progressive and liberal commentators throughout the entire mainstream media were foolish enough to admit that the battle at stake wasn’t really about ‘Trump or Biden’ but about the ‘American way,’ the future, so to say, of the public discourse and public life in the USA. Progressives and liberals were confident enough to believe that with nearly 100 million ballots given in before election day, Americans had already cast an unprecedented spectacle of rejection of everything that may even mildly resemble ‘conservative values.’