19 Nov 2020

Australian War Crimes Report Means Get The 'Hell' Out Of Afghanistan - Literally

'Let the world sort out its own affairs without the “help” of the psychopathic force which unleashes such horrors upon our species.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: The much-anticipated report on potential war crimes by the Australian Death Force (ADF) in Afghanistan has been released, recommending 19 current or former soldiers be investigated for up to 39 murders.

Not combat kills. Not accidental kills. Not non-combatants killed by disputable decisions made in the heat of battle. Not civilians killed due to recklessness or carelessness on the part of Australian forces. Murders. Of non-combatants who died for no other reason than happening to live in a region the US power alliance has seen geostrategic value in keeping militarily occupied for 19 years.

ICMI20: Professor Janice Fiamengo - “We Must Stop Anti-Male Indoctrination of Boys”

The foundation of feminism is man hating female supremacism!

Justice for Men & Boys, & the women who love them: Janice is a writer and the creator of the Fiamengo File YouTube series at Studio BrulĂ©. She is a retired professor of English, and advocate for men’s issues, free speech, and western culture.