Afghan Warcrimes Whistleblower Major McBride Discusses The Brereton Report

SyrianGirl: Afghan warcrimes files whistleblower Major David Mcbride on why he leaked the afghan files and is now risking facing 50 years jail!

Covid Is Not The Threat

'The only reason that the “pandemic” continues is that Western public health officials are financially tied in one way or another with Big Pharma, and public health officials are using their positions in the interest of these financial connections.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Covid is a real virus.  It is a threat to a small minority of the population—primarily people with poor immune systems and comorbidities.  

There are inexpensive ways of boosting immune systems with supplements, such as zinc, vitimans C and D3, Beta Glucan, and NAC.  But public health officials have not educated the public about the value of supplements in the Covid battle.  The reason is that so-called public health officials are shills for Big Pharma’s profits, and Big Pharma regards good immune systems as a hindrence to profits.