Legal Analysis Blows Apart EHRC’s “Labour Anti-Semitism” Report

'The German Zionist Federation collaborated with the Nazi regime, in order to train and remove German Jews from their homeland and send them off to Palestine to become settlers.'

Labour’s new right-wing leader Shabbos Goy Keir Starmer is purging the left from the party. Justin Ng Avalon

By Asa Winstanley: Much of the debate surrounding the suspension of former leader Jeremy Corbyn from the UK’s Labour Party has accepted at face value the conclusions of the report which precipitated the latest political purge.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report had claimed Labour under Corbyn had been guilty of “indirect discrimination” against Jews.

But on Friday a ground-breaking new legal analysis by a law graduate blew the report out of the water.

Meet The Wrong Type Of Jew That The Lame-Stream Media Don't Want You To Know Exists - Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi

 ”We [anti-Zionist Jews] are being no platformed, we are being cancelled, we are being denied the freedom to express legitimate points of view”

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