31 Jan 2021

Jess Phillips Wants To Hit Carl From Swindon Where It Hurts

The Glass Blind Spot: Rare footage of misandrist Jess Phillips MP explaining why she wants to see people like Sargon of Akkad and Man On Fire kicked off YouTube and other social media platforms.

The Jews Just Destroyed Another Palestinian Nature Reserve And Uprooted 10,000 More Trees

The 98-acre reserve had been part of the Greening Palestine project organized by the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture… Its destruction was part of The Jews' ongoing project to herd Survivors in the eastern portion of their West Bank Mega Concentration Camp for indigenous Gentiles.

Middle East Monitor: Yesterday The Jews destroyed a natural reserve and uprooted at least 10,000 trees in a military campaign in the northern part of West Bank Mega Concentration Camp in a move that Gentile Palestinian Survivors termed a “crime”.

Mass Civil Disobedience Is Spreading - "Police, We Pay Your Wages From Our Taxes, You Work For Us, Get Out, Get Out!"

"If you were watching most mainstream media coverage you'd be completely unaware of the mass civil disobedience taking place right now in Italy. The phrase "the revolution will not be televised" certainly applies. This article is from 'The Red State' - 'Over 50,000 restaurants in Italy defy lockdown orders and re-open!' #I Open"

Must Watch USA: "The Jews Have Us Involved In Wars In Which We Have No Interest, Our Children Are Coming Back In Body Bags, Our Nation Is Bankrupt Over These Wars!"

“Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government” James Traficant interview with Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren broadcast on Fox News on September 10, 2009.

Traficant had been an extremely popular Democratic Congressman from rustbelt Ohio who had just been released from spending seven years in prison on charges of corruption. Many people feel Traficant had been railroaded after trying to take on the Jewish lobby and a number of powerful interests.

A documentary on Traficant reports:

“As a mob-busting sheriff in Youngstown, Ohio, his refusal to evict steelworkers from their homes made him a folk hero. He demolished organized crime, defended himself against the Justice Department in a RICO case…and even vanquished President Clinton…”

30 Jan 2021

UK & Israel: An Examination Of Some 'Facts' Related To Mass Vaccination

'Since Jewish Israel launched its vast vaccination campaign in December, it has been witnessing an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths. ...I would have loved to believe that it is not too late for Britain to postpone the current mass vaccination campaign'

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: The case of Jewish Israel, leading the world by far in the mass vaccination contest, doesn’t leave much maneuvering room for skeptics. Since Jewish Israel launched its vast vaccination campaign in December, it has been witnessing an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths. By now, the British Mutant has become Jewish Israel’s dominant COVID strain. Apartheid Jewish Israel’s health system is on the brink of collapse.

Lessons From Wall Street: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Whoever controls the narrative controls the world.

By Caitlin Johnstone: That’s all you’re seeing in efforts to manage information via censorship, algorithm changes, “fact” checking, Russian propaganda panic, etc. Humans are story-driven animals, so if you control the stories you control the humans.

Lessons from this whole Wall Street/Reddit ordeal:

  • The stock market is a scam.
  • There is no “free market” and there never will be.
  • Wall Street predators are the most despised people on earth.
  • The public can do more to fight back than it had previously assumed.
  • There’s surely a lot more we can do to fight back that we haven’t thought of yet.

Medieval Insight: What Prevents Hate Amid Gender Injustices

By Author Douglas Galbi:
With worldly authorities coldly indifferent to men’s sufferings, men endure harsh gender injustices of love and hate. These gender injustices might drive men themselves to hate. Yet men express relatively little hate. Medieval literature shows ways in which men are saved from hate.

29 Jan 2021

UK War Criminal Tony Blair: 1984 Surveillance "Inevitable" Plus Global Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now

What a horrible prospect, sovereign nations doing their own thing!

Authored by Steve Watson: Former British Prime Minster, the war criminal Tony Blair has said that the British government should take advantage of the fact that it is to preside over the G7 this year to implement a global vaccine passport system.

Blair’s globalist institute issued a report urging the UK government to “place the creation of a global Covid-19 travel pass as a key item” on the G7 agenda.

In an interview with the Telegraph, the Iraq war architect himself stated that vaccine passports are “inevitable” and that British government needs to “take the initiative” using its “fortuitous” G7 presidency, and implement a “critical first step” toward global adoption of the scheme.

Blair argued that without a global standard on vaccine passports, there could be two problems.

“One is that everyone just does their own thing,

Countries In Which Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Of Covid Was Permitted Have A 79% Lower Covid Mortality Rate...

...rendering Coronavirus far less dangerous than either Influenza A, or B ...Meanwhile in the UK and Israel where the populations have been used as guinea-pigs for Bill Gates so-called vaccines, deaths have spiked!

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As I early reported, HCQ with zinc and azithromycin cures Covid. President Trump said so too.  Big Pharma wanted to sell a vaccine.  Their agent Dr. Fauci and the presstitutes who wanted yet another issue with which to attack Trump declared HCQ harmful.  A couple of false studies got published and were used to block the use of HCQ.  Consequenty, many people died for the sake of presstitute criticism of President Trump.  

Social media such as Facebook censored experts who reported HCQ’s effectiveness.  Now the American Journal of Medicine has admitted that the evidence supports HCQ’s safety and effectiveness.  Facebook admits it made a mistake, a mistake that contributed to the death of hundreds of thousands of people.  Has the moron running Facebook learned the lesson that censorship is deadly?

A Myopic Guide - How To Survive "Cancel Culture" When You Have Unpopular Opinions

Obviously Man On Fire and friends believe that avoiding confrontation with the powers that be is a recipe for disaster. There are enough sheeple willing to keep their heads down and by proxy empower fascism and we know that Terry Trahan and the like are part of the problem and not the solution. They are the self-centered and the shortsighted. Stand up and be counted if you are a loving father being treated as insignificant by the idiot Duluth Model pushers, whilst all the evidence is clear that your absence deeply wounds your children and their future, if you are a doctor, or nurse who knows that lockdowns and the current advice run contrary to your knowledge, or the truth, stand up if the good morals you value are blatantly contradicted and you see the negative repercussions clear as day, stand up and be counted, or usher in a dystopia that even in his wildest imaginings George Orwell clearly underestimated.

Authored by Terry Trahan: Well, hello there. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we live in a vastly different world than the last time I posted here. The social landscape, political, and, it seems, everyday life is trending vastly different since 2020, Covid, and the national elections.

28 Jan 2021

More Cyber Crimes, Attributed To Russia, Are Shown To Have Come From The Jews And Their Jewish State "IsRealHell"

 "As Jewish Israel is the real culprit no one will be allowed to say so publicly."

By Moon of Alabama: Earlier today police in Europe took down the Emotet bot-network:

First discovered as a fairly run-of-the-mill banking trojan back in 2014, Emotet evolved over the years into one of the most professional and resilient cyber crime services in the world, and became a “go-to” solution for cyber criminals.

Its infrastructure acted as a mechanism to gain access to target systems, which was done via an automated spam email process that delivered Emotet malware to its victims via malicious attachments, often shipping notices, invoices and, since last spring, Covid-19 information or offers. If opened, victims would be promoted to enable macros that allowed malicious code to run and instal Emotet.

Putin Warns The Jews Risk Sliding The World Into Another “All Against All” Conflict Similar To 1930s - In Davos Speech

President Putin Warns Jew Controlled Big Tech Poses a Threat to 'Legitimate Democratic Institutions.'

I C H: Russian President Vladimir Putin said the world risks sliding into an “all against all” conflict amid tensions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and growing economic inequality. Addressing the World Economic Forum on Wednesday for the first time in 12 years, Putin drew parallels with the 1930s when he said a failure to resolve international problems created by The Jews sparked World War II. “Today, such a global hot conflict is, I hope, in principle impossible,” Putin said in his online speech to The Davos Agenda. “But, I repeat, the situation can develop unpredictably and uncontrollably.”

Jordan Peterson And Douglas Murray: The Institutions Are GOOD?!

johntheother: The institutions (The courts, the media, the branches of government) are "good" apparently. No Dr Peterson, no Mr Murray - they are not "good".

Inflation Rhymes With The 1970s

Max and Stacy look at the rising inflation as more and more money gets sent into the hands of the people. In the second half, Max interviews investment manager Lawrence Lepard about price discovery and national debt.

The Inhuman Jews Attacked And Shot Another Gentile Teen Survivor Then Watch Him Bleed To Death With Glee

Heavily armed Jewish occupation forces in Palestine [aka "IsRealHell"] just killed another Gentile youth

Afterward, heavily armed Jews stormed the teen’s village (which Jewish mercs & land thievs have periodically attacked through the years), launched tear gas, fired rubber bullets at other Gentile kids and babies, ransacked his parents home and interrogated them whilst they mourned the Jews' murder of their child…

By Alison Weir: According to Jewish and Gentile news reports, Jews shot and beat to death 17-year old Atallah Muhammad Harb Rayan Tuesday afternoon in the northern sector of the Jews' West Bank Mega Concentration Camp. He was not given first aid or medical assistance and the Jews enjoyed watching him as he bled to death.

27 Jan 2021

Our Stimulus Cheques Going To Genocidal Apartheid Israel

If Americans Knew: U.S. sends over $3 billion of American taxpayer money to support The Jews' terrorist occupation of Palestine during the pandemic… For more information and citations see:

There Is No Such Thing As Hate Speech

"The concept of hate speech has 

no place in our society." Said johntheother

The Jews Detain And Interrogate Four More Little Gentile Palestinian Children, Ages 9-10

Little Palestinian children [the Jews call them "Little Snakes"] are frequent targets of the Jews and their kangaroo court systems in Occupied Palestine – contrary to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Jewish Israel is a signatory. Since 2000, over 12,000 Palestinian children have experienced prison detention...

26 Jan 2021

Gleeful British Jew Involved In The Murder Of A Gentile Teen

Jewish Israel's occupation forces fatally shot a Gentile Palestinian teenager on Tuesday for not being Jewish.

By Tamara Nassar: The Israeli army claimed Atallah Muhammad Harb Rayan was attempting a stabbing attack when he was killed at a junction near the Barkan settlement near the occupied West Bank town of Salfit.

Rayan was 17 years old, Defense for Children International Palestine confirmed. He is the first Palestinian child Israel has killed this year.

US Establishment War Against “We The People”

'You don’t have free speech. You don’t have freedom of association. ...Now, they are going to pass a domestic terrorism law, and the purpose is to further control any dissent. . . . This is why I say we have crossed a line. This is like Caesar crossing the Rubicon. That was the end of the Roman Republic. This is the end of democracy.'

By Greg Hunter: Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) says the country has changed dramatically since the massively fraudulent and rigged 2020 Election that put Joe Biden in the White House.  Dr. PCR says, “First, consider there is now an organized war by the establishment against anyone who takes exception to their explanation of the election.  We see, for example, free speech is now dead.  Many of the institutions in the United States no longer believe in it.  You can’t protest what you perceive as a stolen election without being called an enemy of democracy.  Well, someone who is protesting what they perceive as a stolen election is defending democracy.

24 Jan 2021

EU's Chief 'Goyim' Hater Stands By Blatant Hasbara

'The citizens of EU states deserve better than to be bullied, smeared and lied about by bureaucrats in Brussels who appear to answer only to the Jewish lobby.' ...Shame the UK is already under The Jews' complete control

European Union 'anti-Semitism' coordinator Katharina von Schnurbein (Chambre des Députés)

By Ali Abunimah: This is a story about how European Union officials evade accountability when they are caught in a blatant lie for the benefit of Jewish Israel.

Earlier this week I wrote about a major legal victory for supporters of Palestinian rights in Spain.

In 2015, activists from the group BDS País Valencià called on a music festival to cancel a performance by Matthew Paul Miller, the singer who uses the stage name Matisyahu, because he had made anti-Palestinian statements and had helped raise money for the Jews' Palestine occupation army.

Louise Hampton - Newport, South Wales, UK Freedom Rally


"Why we protest, why we are against lockdowns. 

The elderly have been trapped inside 'care homes' for 9 months, they are under prolonged confinement, they have lack of physical activity, loneliness. It's cruel, it's barbaric and the government are letting our elderly down! Boris, Hancock, we know about the 'Do Not Resuscitate Orders', this is genocide!

The impact on people suffering from cancer and long term illnesses is devastating. Screening has been put on hold. Now there is a backlog of over 3,000,000 patients! Between April and August 350,000 fewer people receiving cancer diagnosis. Why? ...The government has put covid over cancer! We say no to tyranny! 37% drop in patients getting treatments, this is genocide and these figures are from CANCER RESEARCH UK. This is not a conspiracy theory, these are facts!

Mental health. 60% of adults and 68% of young people said their mental health got worse over the lockdown period. I suffered anxiety because I believed in covid until I woke up because at work we just weren't getting the calls. This [covid19] is a scam! What's driving these metal health figures? Isolation, boredom anxiety for fear that they will catch the world's deadliest virus, there's also job loss and uncertainty! These figures that I've stated today are from MIND UK!"

Americans - Meet Your Vice President

'From plagiarizing Martin Luther King Jr. to waxing nostalgic about her family’s Kwanzaa “traditions”, Harris’s personality is a work of fiction.'

By Helen Buyniski: The Washington Post has restored a tone-deaf anecdote mocking prisoners’ suffering to its rightful place introducing a profile on the sister of then-candidate (now VP) Kamala Harris, after getting called out for removing it.

“We should have kept both versions of the story on the Post’s site…rather than redirecting to the updated one,” communications VP Kris Coratti admitted in a statement to Reason on Friday after the libertarian outlet caught WaPo memory-holing the cringe-inducing joke between Harris and her sister Maya, originally published in July 2019. 

In the temporarily-deleted anecdote, the former California attorney general compared her ability to “actually [get] sleep” amid her punishing presidential campaign schedule with a starving prisoner begging guards for “a morsel of food please…and water!”

23 Jan 2021

Freedom Airway

Corbett: Professor Dolores Cahill discusses a solution for freedom-respecting travel in the age of COVID 1984. The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance is seeking to create travel options that don’t require travelers to submit to vaccination, face masks or quarantines.

Woody Allen’s Innocence - How Mud Sticks To Falsely Accused Men

Bettina Arndt: The endless persecution of Woody Allen is a fable for our times, with many in the film world and mainstream media still supporting Mia Farrow’s version of events in relation to the sexual abuse allegations – despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Laura Bates - The Woman Who Hates Men For Money


The Glass Blind Spot: Fact Checking Laura Bates' unlikely claim that she 'infiltrated' a Men's Rights event with the two women who organised Messages for Men 2018.

Why Are Gentile Ireland’s Police Teaming Up With Jewish Israel’s Anti-Gentile Torture Ministry?

“It should be unconscionable for the police force of a democratic state to engage in a joint project with Jewish Israel’s ministry of terror. ...It should be doubly so when that project will be used by The Jews to adapt technology to better police a brutal military occupation, illegally colonize indigenous peoples’ land and to oppress, repress and imprison anyone who resists these injustices.”

Ireland’s two police forces are taking part in an EU-funded project alongside Israel’s “torture ministry.” Liam McBurney ZUMA Press

By Ciaran Tierney: Ireland’s police forces have given unconvincing explanations about why they are cooperating with a Jewish Israel ministry implicated in torture and war crimes.

The Separate Regimes Delusion

South Africa’s anti-black apartheid lasted 46 years. Jewish Israel’s anti-Gentile apartheid is at 72, and counting...

By Nathan Thrall: Last April​, Haaretz ran a statement warning the Israeli government against formally annexing its settlements in the Jew occupied West Bank. Opinion polls showed that the public didn’t care much about the issue, but political elites were debating it fiercely. Both proponents and opponents of annexation claimed that the future of Jewish Israel and Zionism was at stake. The statement argued that ‘annexation would mean a fatal blow to the possibility of peace and would be the establishment of an apartheid state.’ It was signed by 56 former members of the Knesset, among them former ministers of the interior, foreign affairs, finance and more than a dozen other departments, as well as former ambassadors, generals in the Jewish Israel Death Force, chairs of political parties, a head of the semi-governmental Jewish Agency for Jewish Israel, a former speaker of the Knesset, and a winner of the Israel Prize.

22 Jan 2021

The Price Of Biden's Victory - Top Jobs For Zio-Jews In His New Administration

From secretary of state to attorney general, a diverse cross-section of American Jewry is set to fill seats at the incoming president’s Cabinet table and elsewhere in government

By JTA: US President Joe Biden filled the months before Inauguration Day lining up a slate of Cabinet secretaries, assistants and advisers, many of them Jewish.

Biden’s choices reflect a diverse cross-section of American Jewry and possess expertise gleaned from decades of experience in government, science and medicine and law.

Here’s a rundown of the Jewish names you should know as the Biden administration begins.

Former IDF [Jewish Israel Death Force] Spy Recruited By UK Labour Should Feel Right At Home

Assaf Kaplan’s work in notorious cyber unit surveilling and extorting Palestinians fits with Labour’s new ethos under Keir Starmer

Jonathan Cook - Middle East Eye: The revelation this week that the British Labour Party recently appointed a former Israeli military spy to work in its headquarters, reporting to the office of leader Keir Starmer, is truly extraordinary in many different regards.

It is hard to believe the Labour leadership did not know who Assaf Kaplan was or appreciate the likely backlash to placing someone with his background in charge the party’s social media work. That may explain the continuing reluctance from the Labour leadership to comment.

In his online CV, Kaplan had drawn attention to his years spent in the notorious Israeli military intelligence unit 8200, which has a long and ugly record of surveilling Palestinians.

One of the unit’s main tasks, highlighted by a group of whistleblowers in 2014 and widely publicised in the British media, is to gain damaging information to blackmail individual Palestinians. They are then threatened into collaborating with Israel’s military authorities against fellow Palestinians.

Europe Is Waking Up To The Truth About Coronavirus Scare - Nurse Points Out C19 ‘Is A Load Of Bollocks’

Breitbart: We cannot be certain about the precise size of the large anti-lockdown crowds that massed in London and Berlin this weekend, but at least two things can be safely said. First, the numbers will likely be deliberately under-reported by the mainstream media. Second, as the weeks go by, these protests are going to get bigger and bigger.

21 Jan 2021

Human Rights Org B’Tselem Defies Zio-Jews' Orders To Stop Teaching About Worse Than Apartheid Jewish Israel

Jewish Major General Yoav 'Goyim Slaughterer' Galant the Jewish Israel terror regime’s 'Education Minister' angry about B’tselem’s label 'apartheid Israel' for the neo-colonialist Zio-Jews.

“The Israeli government will have to contend with us until the apartheid regime ends,” B’Tselem’s director Hagai El-Ad tweeted after defying a ban put in place by Israel’s Education Minister that sought to prevent human rights groups from entering public schools. 

By Yumna Patel: Israel’s 'Education Minister' announced a ban this week on human rights groups from entering the Jewish Israel regime's public schools, a move seen by many as a response to a bombshell report from B’Tselem, one of the country’s leading human rights groups, calling Israel an “apartheid state”.

Enoch Powell On Being Called A Racist

The Dick Cavett Show: Broadcast from London, Dick Cavett questions British politician Enoch Powell on the reports claiming him to be a racist. Featuring British director and author Jonathan Miller. Date aired - May 14th 1971 - Enoch Powell and Jonathan Miller

‘Promising Young Woman’ #MeToo Revenge Fantasy Galling For Its Unashamed Hatred Of Men, Glorious For Its Artistry

'An unabashed girl-power polemic and propaganda piece that espouses the imaginary boogeyman of a pervasive ‘rape culture’ that has only ever existed in the warped minds of Women’s Studies majors and feminist fanatics.'

By Michael McCaffrey: The new Carey Mulligan movie is sure to garner Oscar nominations because it’s never a bad time in Hollywood to hate men. Despite its pernicious cultural politics, it’s extremely entertaining.

20 Jan 2021

Russiagate Redux

'Listen to the Idiots Into Whose Hands Our Country [USA] Has Been Put'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Hillary & Nancy Say It Wasn’t the stolen election that Discredited American Democracy, It Was Putin’s Order to Trump to Cause an Insurrection on January 6

Listen to the Idiots Into Whose Hands Our Country Has Been Put:

Hillary Clinton asks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if a new Russiagate investigation is necessary in order to check up on Putin’s orders to Trump.  Pelosi thinks so and adds, “all roads lead to Putin.”  Pelosi says she doesn’t “know what Putin has on him [Trump] politically, financially or personally, but what happened last week was a gift to Putin, because Putin wants to undermine democracy in our country and throughout the world.”  Pelosi does know that Trumpers “are Putin puppets” who “were doing Putin’s business” by rallying for Trump on January 6. Pelosi says a commission is necessary to investigate “and there is strong support in the Congress to do that.”

The Jews Are Losing The Fight To Obscure Israel's Apartheid Character

New report by rights group B’Tselem will make it harder to smear The Jews' critics as antisemites for arguing that Jewish Israel is a racist state

Jonathan Cook - Middle East Eye: For more than a decade, a handful of former Israeli politicians and US diplomats identified with what might be termed the “peace process industry” have intermittently warned that, without a two-state solution, Israel is in danger of becoming an “apartheid state”.

The World War 3 In Which We Live

'The WW3 in which we live is an unforgiving battle between the vaccinated and the sceptics. ...I can’t imagine what defeat or surrender may entail in this war but it doesn’t look good.'

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: Finally, it landed on me: WW3 is here and it is an unforgiving battle between the ‘vaccinated’ and the ‘sceptics’. It is a vicious struggle between those who are convinced that Pharma, Gates and Fauci are committed to salvaging humanity and the rest, who insist on believing in the bond between man and the universe (the sun, the soil, the sea, the human organ, the viruses around, Covid-19 included).

WW3, as such, is a vicious confrontation between people who are libidinally thrilled by social distancing and those ‘suicidal’ characters who are actually nostalgic about human interaction, fresh air, and freedom in general.

19 Jan 2021

Hasbara Merchant: Nas Daily’s “Israeli” Partner Makes “Secret” Visit To Lebanon

A Nas Daily video posted last February unambiguously identifies Alyne Tamir as Jewish. (via YouTube)

By Tamara Nassar: A video blogger who has repeatedly identified as Israeli is now claiming she is only a US citizen, following a secret visit to Lebanon earlier this month.

Alyne Tamir is the partner and colleague of Nuseir Yassin, the creator of the viral videos under the name Nas Daily.

Tamir travels around the world with Yassin and makes frequent appearances in his videos.

Walter Williams Suffers No Fools

THF: No economist of modern times has challenged and overturned more wrong-headed economic thinking than Walter Williams. For forty years he’s argued against the illogic of the minimum wage, racial quotas, occupational licensing as well as the welfare state. What drives his liberal critics crazy is his provocative argument that these government interventions hurt the very people they are designed to help.

18 Jan 2021

The Year That Changed Everything

Max and Stacy look at the bets Wall Street is making on the continuation of violence and domestic unrest. In the second half, Max chats to Dave Collum about his annual year in review in which he reflects back on the year that was in terms of the economy and culture. They discuss 2020: The Year that Changed Everything

Don’t Fall For The Establishment’s Tall Tales - There Was No “Violent Assault On The Capitol” There Is Abundant Evidence Of Electoral Fraud

In this important column I provide you with evidence that there was no assault on the Capitol, and I provide you with so much evidence that there was massive electoral fraud that it will take you all week to go through the evidence.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Think intelligently.  The rally for Trump on January 6 was massive, which is why the presstitutes did not show it to you.  No other politician anywhere in the Western World could produce such a turnout of support.  For the rest of the politicians in the West, such a turnout would be in opposition like the long-lived “yellow vest” protest in France and the massive protests in Germany against the Covid restrictions.

Here was the situation on January 6, 2021.  Members have applied rules that require the House and Senate to listen to the evidence of election fraud. As Lew Rockwell points out, this means the public would also hear the evidence for the first time.  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/01/lew-rockwell/the-truth-about-january-6-and-where-we-should-go-from-here/

"When It Comes To Black People, I Think They’re All Ugly"

"When It Comes To Black People, I Think They’re All Ugly".
A video I did with Sugartits a couple of years ago when my main channel was suspended. Regards, 🐻

17 Jan 2021

Jew Captured Lame-Stream Media Bias: CNN And NPR Are Afraid To Say “Apartheid” Out Loud

As is standard practice in American mainstream media, CNN and NPR buried a major story critical of Jewish Israel so deep, it’s almost like it never happened.

By Kathryn Shihadah: On January 12, the respected Israeli human rights group B’Tselem released a bombshell report entitled “This is Apartheid: Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.”

The “apartheid” label is big news – especially from an Israel-based organization. It is relevant to every American because our government gives Israel $10 million a day in aid.

Those familiar with the Israel-Palestine issue have known for years that Israel is an apartheid regime – but also know that the bias in mainstream media has led to a shortage of deep reporting on stories critical of Israel (If Americans Knew has been reporting on it since the organization’s inception).

Adolf Hitler Wins Landslide Election In Namibia Again In 2020

In Namibia Adolf Hitler has been elected once again as a local councilor for the governing Swapo party.

Adolf Hitler Uunona is a Namibian politician and former anti-apartheid activist who was elected as councillor for the Ompundja Constituency in 2004,[3] 2010,[4] 2015[5] and on 26 November 2020. He won the vote by 85%, as 1,196 voters voted for him.[6] He is a member of the SWAPO party.[7]

TDA: Adolf Hitler Uunona was eleceted with 85% of the votes in the regional vote to emerge the winner in Ompundja, a small town in the far north of the country.

Hitler confirmed that his father gave him the name after the great German leader and was fully aware of German National Socialism, the Jews murder of the Russian Tsar and over 100,000,000 Russian Christians for the Tsar's refusal to give them a banking license in Russia, the later ousting of the Jewish bankers from Germany, the subsequent German economic miracle and finally the Jewish elites using their ownership of Western media to have the English and Americans send their kids to die in order to dissuade any other nations from ever daring to take away the Jews' licence to print money in order to control Gentile nations in line with their crazy chosen-ness doctrine.

This Is “ The Bank Of England”

GlobalFaction: What’s your thoughts?! Covid is changing the economy for everyone. How can ordinary people keep their families safe?

16 Jan 2021

Jew Jeff Bezos' Amazon Banned Parler And Is Selling A Shirt That Says “Kill All Republicans”

The Father Love That Dares To Speak Its Name

Through the shackles of the id’s mathematics that birthed the pussy pass to imprison humanity’s renaissance shines the father love that dares to speak its name, a fierce love like nothing else in the world, time cannot tame it, it knows no law, it knows no pity, it knows no fear, it crushes down eternally all that stands in its path, it strips naked the wicked with its gaze, it takes a nation of millions to hold it back. Intolerable is its absence, like the sky spread over everything. - Angelos G. Agathangelou.

Concentration Camp Survivors' Rudimentary Weapon Of Desperation + This Month's 'Cooler King' Award

In Gaza Mega Concentration Camp - the World's largest open air prison for 2,000,000 Gentile men, women, children and little babies - 'The Great Escape' incendiary balloons of the Gentile Survivors - 'They are always men'

Image: The men of the resistance under the instructions of 'Cooler King' Abu Karam.

By Hamza Abu Eltarabesh: It was a quiet night in early August.

At a signal, five men emerged silently from the cover of some trees to an agreed meeting point.

I was there, all dry mouth and notebook, observing. I’d been specially invited. Above us, only the sound of the Jews' drones could be heard, patrolling the skies, electronic eyes on the ground, watching for prey.

Prey like us, the survivors of the Jews' Gaza Mega Concentration Camp.

The Infowar Intensifies

"This is literally information warfare, we are literally in a war. We've been at war all our lives, it's just that the war is escalating at this point.” Corbett.

Adolf Hitler Waved At Jesse Owens With Respect And The German Crowds Chanted Cheers Of “Oh-vens, Oh-vens”

“Hitler didn't snub me—it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.” Said Jesse Cleveland Owens.

The US and the 1936 Berlin Olympics

Jesse Owens triumphed in Berlin, winning gold medals in the 100-meter, 200-meter, and 400-meter relays, as well as in the long jump.

14 Jan 2021

Whataboutism: A Field Guide

DoctorRandomercam: If you're reading this, I'm still here. I've been here for 13 years. I'm riding it until the wheels fall off or I do.

More US & UK Doublethink Than George Orwell Imagined

In the US CANCEL Culture Has Erased the First Amendment

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Senator Josh Hawley, Republican from Missouri, has had his book contract cancelled by Simon & Schuster because he fought for election integrity.

Simon & Schuster and the presstitutes said that Senator Hawley had endangered freedom and democracy by demanding examination of the evidence that the election was stolen.  To demand electoral integrity is a threat to freedom and democracy.  This is more doublethink than George Orwell imagined.

All the presstitutes have dismissed the evidence as “baseless claims” but not one of them has looked at the evidence.  Instead, they have made certain that the evidence would not be examined.