31 Oct 2021

Watch: MEPs Protest "Oppressive" Vaccine Passports, Question Why "Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard"

The truest minutes in the EU’s history

"The majority of MEPs don't stand for European values, they support oppression of the people!"

Off-Guardian.org: In the latest editions of This Week in the New Normal, we mentioned a group of Members of the European Parliament who held a press conference where they opposed mandatory vaccination and the “Green Pass”.

On the 28th five of those same MEPs held another press conference, and while the whole thing is worth watching (embedded above), the highlight is definitely German MEP Christine Anderson who speaks for two of the truest minutes in the EU’s history:

Mandate Meltdown: 26 NYC Firestations Shuttered, LA Sheriff Warns Of 'Mass Exodus', Tucson Water Faces 'Staff Shortage'

The Fascist US Technocracy Is Playing A Dangerous Game Of Chicken With Libertarians

By Tyler Durden: While the vast majority of employees across most industries and sectors are brainwashed sheeple and have acquiesced to mandatory vaccine mandates, enough Americans are refusing to get the experimental killer jabs that fascist technocratic states and municipalities are losing a dangerous game of chicken with intelligent free thinking Americans who refuse to be bullied.

On Saturday, the New York Post reported that 26 New York fire companies have been shuttered citywide due to staff shortages caused by the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

...an “unconscionable” move some fear could have catastrophic consequences, elected officials told The Post Saturday.

The stunning lockdown came amid a pitched battle between City Hall, which will start enforcing a mandate Monday that all workers have at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine — and jab-resisting fire fighters, many reportedly saying they were already sick with the coronavirus and therefore have “natural immunity.” -NY Post

Fauci & Co. Should Face The Death Penalty

PCR: Senator Rand Paul is correct that the USA's Fauci financed coronavirus research in China's Wuhan. That is what the official NIH documents show. However, Senator Paul is mistaken to accept the official scare numbers of Covid deaths. Real Covid deaths are rare. The vastly exaggerated official number includes untreated and wrongly treated people, people with comorbidities, and people killed by adverse reaction to the Covid Vaccine. Essentially, almost all deaths during the orchestrated pandemic were attributed to Covid.

Unvaxx'd San Francisco, USA Police "Discarded Like A Piece Of Trash": Officer

"We worked tirelessly through the pandemic. And just to undergo a complete 180, and to be yanked from duty and put on leave, is pretty heartbreaking..."

Authored by Ilene Eng: Several dozen San Francisco police officers who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 have been placed on leave, a police union leader told NTD Television.

Tony Montoya, president of the San Francisco Police Officers Association, told NTD that there are 41 unvaccinated officers on paid administrative leave. Another 40 are on disability or Family and Medical leave and have yet to report their vaccination status.

San Francisco previously allowed its city employees to submit exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine. They were approved.

Later, however, the Department of Public Health issued a health order requiring all city employees to be vaccinated by Oct. 13 or be relieved of their duties.

Genocidal Zio-Apartheid 2021: By Calling The Fight For Palestinian Rights ‘Terror’, The Jews Turn Reality On Its Head

The aim is to embarrass Europe into defunding Palestinian human rights groups who have been effective at documenting The Jews' war crimes, and therefore prevent further scrutiny

By Jonathan Cook: Did someone forget to tell Benny Gantz that Donald Trump is no longer the United States president? 

It certainly looked that way last Friday as Israel’s minister for religious genocide – who has been presented as a force for moderation in a Jewish government led by the anti-Gentile land theiving right – declared six leading Palestinian human rights groups to be “terrorist organisations”.

The move effectively outlaws the most prominent organisations in the Palestinian human rights community.

Despite the eternal bonds so often lauded by Jewish and US officials, President Joe Biden’s administration appeared to be caught off-guard by the announcement, despite claims from Israel that Washington had been forewarned

The Jews were reported on Sunday to be preparing to fly to the US to share intelligence justifying the new “terror list”.

The Future For Modern Women Is Disney World

Kevin Samuels: When you wish upon a star makes no difference......the magical thinking continues.

Women Are Literally Dying From Broken Hearts Later In Life

Better Bachelor: Health studies actually say women dying from a lonely broken heart is actually a thing.

30 Oct 2021

Crazy 50% Female Firefighter Quota

Bettina Arndt: Gender quotas are being used to encourage more women into fire services, pushing out stronger, more capable men. Our safety is being compromised for the sake of woke gender neutrality.

Despite Public Protest, Australia’s Government Completes Its Transformation Into A Totalitarian State

‘Stop unlimited power grab!’ Huge crowd protests in Melbourne against vaccine mandates & sweeping scamdemic powers bill

A large group of demonstrators gathered around the state parliament in Victoria, Australia to demand an end to a recently imposed vaccine mandate and protest a draft pandemic bill that would grant draconian powers to officials.

Photos and videos circulating on social media show a vast crowd outside Parliament House in Melbourne, the state capital, on Saturday, where activists were seen holding signs and placards – one reading “Sack Dan,” referring to state Premier Daniel Andrews.

Similar chants calling for Andrews’ resignation were also heard erupting from the crowd, while other slogans included: “End the mandates,” “Stop medical apartheid,” and “We need Bill of Rights!”

The Boy Crisis Explained - Why The Five Eyes Nations Are Producing Weak Men

Valuetainment: Patrick Bet-David sits down with Dr. Warren Farrell. He is an American political scientist, activist, and author of seven books on men's and women's issues. Farrell has been described as the "father of the men's movement."

Real Women Destroy Misandric Feminists On TikTok

Feminists false accusations against men and boys are ruining lives, families, taking lives and destroying our society.

"Where have all the good men gone? Good men are everywhere. We spend so much time as women bashing them that we don't even see them." Said A Good Woman.

Humanity Has Sleepwalked Into Medical Apartheid

'Across the so-called Five Eyes alliance, a homegrown tyranny based on a creeping medical apartheid is threatening the “life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness” worse than all of history’s former tyrants combined.'

Authored by Robert Bridge: The tragic state of affairs, justified by a disease with a better than 99 percent survival rate, cannot continue indefinitely...

Even as scientific studies show that vaccines alone cannot extricate humanity from the Covid-19 crisis, governments are rushing headlong towards the creation of a ‘vaccinated economy’ without any consideration for the consequences. It’s time for an injection of sanity and informed democratic debate.

An astonishing thing happened this week that should have – were it not for a media industrial complex that coddles and cossets the powers that be – incited journalists to scream bloody murder around our increasingly imprisoned planet. What the world got instead was the deafening cacophony of crickets.

Dan Bongino Ends Radio Program In Vaccine Mandate Battle With Employer

"You can have me or you can have the [vaccine] mandate. But you can’t have both of us..."

Authored by Christopher Burroughs: Conservative radio host Dan Bongino announced his daily show will only air replays while he deals with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate with his show’s parent company Cumulus Media.

LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 21: Dan Bongino speaks onstage during Politicon 2018 at Los Angeles Convention Center on October 21, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Politicon)

Bongino shared the news during his Wednesday online podcast.

They didn’t consult with us content providers. I strongly object to the mandate,” Bongino said.

The fight with them is having a real impact. Behind the scenes, it’s getting a little ugly here. I wasn’t on the radio today. I don’t know what they did, played the ‘best of’ or whatever. You don’t treat people this way. You don’t let people go because they insist their body is theirs,” he added.

29 Oct 2021

New Reformed Church Resource Focuses On Justice For Palestinians Being Persecuted By The Zio-Jews

“The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in its commitment to justice seeks to lift up the cries of the Palestinian people to draw attention to the abuses and atrocities that are faced by Palestinians on a daily basis. We hope that this resource will be used by churches to have a deeper understanding of the Palestinian question and its global implications.”

By Phil Tanis: The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has responded to a call from the Palestinian Christian community by producing Focus: Palestine, a comprehensive resource that lifts up their voices while placing the situation into theological, historical, and political contexts.

The resource is composed of three parts—1) Voices and Lenses, 2) Theologies, Ideologies, and Resistance, and 3) Systems of Sin and the Jerusalem Microcosm—an extensive appendix, and over a dozen videos.

Mass Murder By Acute Organ Failure NOT Protection Against Covid Consequence Of Covid Vaccination - NPR A Participant

US National Public Radio (NPR) is flabbergasted by a major uptick in emergency room admissions across the United States.

By Ethan Huff: Even though it is painfully obvious that “fully vaccinated” Americans are getting sick in droves NPR is chalking it all up to mystery – or perhaps something spooky since Halloween is just days away.

In Lansing, Mich., for instance, Sparrow Hospital is seeing a massive swarm of very ill patients having to be lined up on stretchers in the facility’s hallways due to a shortage of available beds.

“It’s hard to watch,” said Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room’s nursing director.

“I always feel very, very bad when I walk down the hallway and see that people are in pain or needing to sleep or needing quiet. But they have to be in the hallway with, as you can see, 10 or 15 people walking by every minute.”

You Need To Understand What Anglosphere Universities Are - Places For The Demonization Of White People

Rutgers professor on white people: We gotta take these white motherfuckers out

College Fix Staff: Citing the need for “honest conversations,” a controversial Rutgers professor declared in a recent interview that “White people are committed to being villains,” and “We gotta take these motherfuckers out.”

Dr. Brittney Cooper, a professor in the Rutgers Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department that goes by the Twitter moniker “ProfessorCrunk,” appeared on a September YouTube interview with writer Michael Harriot of The Root to discuss Critical Race Theory and recent attempts to oppose it being taught in elementary and high schools.

The video was unearthed by the Media Research Center, which tweeted it this week.

“White people thought, ‘there is a world here, and we own it,’” said Cooper, arguing that white people are afraid to give up power because they may face retribution from African Americans who have been historically oppressed.

Brain-Rinsed Misandrists Exposing Themselves On TikTok

Where have all the good men gone? As far away from you as possible.

We Will Not Comply!

Story #1: NIH Silently Removes “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins Lied to Congress About Funding the Research in China


Archived: Gain-of-Function Research Involving Potential Pandemic Pathogens

28 Oct 2021

Domestic Abuse Offenders By Sex/Gender

'For partner abuse alone, the proportion of male victims who are victimised by a female is certainly greater than 90%'

By MRA-UK: In The Great Covid Domestic Abuse Epidemic That Never Was I reported data for incidents of domestic abuse obtained via FOI from police forces in England and Wales. For most police forces I also obtained offender or suspect data, disaggregated by sex, for calendar years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Here I report the analysis of those data.

I also make some observations regarding offending by, and against, trans people based on a couple of police forces’ data.

The impatient can skip to the Conclusions.

Bear in mind throughout that the data refer to domestic abuse not partner abuse, so, for example, parent-child abuse and child-parent abuse will be included, as will other victim-offender combinations within the home.

Police forces variously referred to “offenders” or “suspects”. Here I draw no distinction and shall use “offender” to mean either/both.

Assange Update From UK Court: US Argues In Favor Of New “Assurances”

acTVism Munich: The first day of the appeal hearing in the extradition proceedings of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The two day hearing is being heard at The Royal Courts of Justice in London. The Crown Prosecution Service, representing the US government, rested its case.

‘Simply Monstrous’: Putin Says Teaching Children They Can Easily Swap Genders A ‘Borderline Crime Against Humanity’

The Russians have a real leader, unlike the excrement we have

RT: A growing campaign in the West to do away with gender-based language defies reason and is subverting human nature, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed, arguing children should not be taught biological sex does not exist.

“The discussion about the rights of men and women has turned into a total phantasmagoria in a number of Western countries,” Putin said in a speech to dignitaries and reporters at the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, Russia on Thursday. “Those who risk saying that men and women still exist, and that this is a biological fact, are virtually ostracized.”

He listed examples, such as banning words like “mother” and “father” in favor of terms like “parent one and parent two”, as well as “banning the phrase ‘breast milk’ and replacing it with ‘human milk’ so that people insecure about their own gender wouldn’t get upset.”

"Truly Dark Day For Drivers" - UK Petrol Prices Hit Record Highs As ScamDemic Results In New Winter Of Discontent

'There are similar parallels between the situation in the UK today and the 1970's "Winter of Discontent," when shortages and higher prices led to consumer misery.'

By Tyler Durden: UK petrol prices have risen to record-high levels in what RAC/Experian Catalist describes as a "truly dark day for drivers," according to Sky News

Gas prices at the pump in Britain average 142.94 pence per liter on Sunday, surpassing the prior record, set in 2012, by .46 pence. Diesel prices hit 146.5 pence, just shy of the all-time high of 147.93 pence. 

Fuel prices are more inflationary pressure on households and businesses, already dealing with rapid food inflation, elevated power prices, and the cost of living becoming more expensive, crushing real wages. 

RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams said: "This is truly a dark day for drivers, and one which we hoped we wouldn't see again after the high prices of April 2012. This will hurt many household budgets, and no doubt have knock-on implications for the wider economy:"

Middle Class Destroyed - On Purpose

Peak Prosperity: In this video Dr Martenson breaks down the immense personal and institutional failures of the US Federal Reserve, connecting them broadly to the failures of the FDA, the CDC, NIH, Fauci and the mainstream media.

Why should you care? Because the imminent economic crisis that’s coming will be extremely damaging. It will have the same root as the many Covid policy failures; entrenched greed & corruption leading to extremely poor decisions that will cause a lot of pain for the most vulnerable in society. There’s no practical difference between Fauci’s “No treatments for you!” policies and Jerome Powell’s “No money for you (only the uber wealthy)!” policies. Both grievously harm the majority while benefiting the very few.

Guess Who Bought Politico & Business Insider To Push Their Pro-Apartheid Agenda On More People

German publishing house Axel Springer, which recently acquired Politico magazine and Business Insider, requires from “every employee of our company” a commitment to Jewish anti-Gentile land theft project Israel’s ‘right to exist’ (i.e. Israel’s alleged right to ethnically cleanse the land).

Ha’aretz: Politico’s new owner, Germany’s Axel Springer, expects the U.S. website to adhere to the parent company’s principles including support for Israel’s right to exist, Springer’s CEO told The Wall Street Journal Friday.

Axel Springer said in August it was buying Politico for more than $1 billion.

The chief executive of the Berlin-based company, Mathias Döpfner, has long said that support for Anti-Gentile Israel is “a German duty.”

He told The Journal on Friday that this sentiment – and others such as support for a united Europe and a free-market economy – “are like a constitution, they apply to every employee of our company.” Employees who disagreed “should not work for Axel Springer, very clearly.”

Potential Danger Is Everywhere And I'm Terrified

JohnTheOther: Some people - in fact, MOST people are doing things that have a potential to harm other people. Driving, cooking food, using kitchen knives in kitchens, cutting their lawns - they don't have the RIGHT to potentially harm others, and we must stop them all!!! Special Thanks to Professor Gad Saad for his continued, and inspiring work

27 Oct 2021

The ScamDemic: How Is This A Thing?

Computing Forever

"Boiling frog behavioural science has sufficiently broken the population and retrained them to their new normal like Pavlovian dog training."

The Nature Of Power, Narrative And Conspiracy With James Corbett

Counterflow w/ Buck Johnson: My guest on this episode is James Corbett of www.CorbettReport.com. James has been putting out excellent content in the forms of documentaries, podcasts, writing and more for much longer than most people in alternative media. James has a terrific analysis of how conspiracies happen at the highest levels. As he points out, the highest levels of power are far above elected officials and names we all know. In this episode we also discuss the media, propaganda narratives and how the coof narrative has played out on the public. We also get into the class that James Corbett will be teaching at Renegade University.

Overwhelming Majority Over 70% 7 Out Of 10 Of COVID-19 Deaths In England In September Were FULLY VACCINATED

In the Western World facts no longer count.

“According to Table 2, during September, there were a total of 256,686 cases recorded for people above the age of 40. In total, 205,197 of the 256,686 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated. More specifically, 79.94% of the COVID-19 cases in England above the age of 40 during September were fully vaccinated. Furthermore, for those 40 and older, the average rate of COVID-19 per 100,000 was higher in the fully vaccinated at 724 per 100,000 compared to the unvaccinated at 520 per 100,000. This means in England during the month of September, if you were 40 or older, you were more likely to catch COVID-19 if you were vaccinated, rather than if you were unvaccinated.”

Can Poland Be Poland... And Stay In The EU? ... No!

The questions raised by the rebellious Poles are fundamental...

“Let Poland be Poland!”

That was the call of American conservatives, four decades ago, when the Solidarity movement of labor leader Lech Walesa arose in the port city of Gdansk to demand their freedom of the Communist system imposed upon Poland by the Soviet Union after World War II.

A decade later, Poland broke free of the Soviet Bloc and Warsaw Pact, and later joined the European Union and NATO.

The question that has arisen today also has to do with issues of Polish identity and independence.

Specifically, can Poland be Poland — and still remain in the EU?

In recent years, the ruling Law and Justice Party has revised its governmental structures. The judiciary has been subordinated, brought under greater central supervision and control, and a disciplinary chamber has been established and empowered to remove judges.

Such action, says the EU Commission in Brussels, violates basic EU law, which applies to all member states and trumps national law.

Meet Sabrina Miller, The Student Who Waged A Campus War For The Jewish Anti-Gentile Apartheid Regime Israel

On 1 October, the University of Bristol fired David Miller, a sociology professor.

By Kit Klarenberg: The official statement on his dismissal from the college was highly contradictory and left the questions of precisely what the academic had done wrong, and why he was fired, very much open.

Last week The Electronic Intifada revealed that even the lawyer instructed to investigate allegations of anti-Semitism at the university found the professor had “no case to answer.”

But there seems little doubt that David Miller’s opposition to Zionism – Israel’s racist official ideology – was the real cause.

For years, pro-Israel activist and former Bristol student turned journalist Sabrina Miller (no relation to David Miller) waged an all-out war on the professor via online petitions, social media and stories for mainstream news outlets.

The Last Jab

"Suppressed UK medical report says covid vaccinated will lose 100% of their immune capability for covid, all it's variants and for a host of cancers as well! ...You stupid Goys let them Jew you into vaxxing up until you've got one foot in the grave." Said Ex-Jew Nathanael

26 Oct 2021

Infamous Warmongering American Feminist "Tripoli" Clinton Calls For Vaccine Mandate....In The UK

American leaders have a centuries-old tradition of trying to impose their way of life on foreign rivals and allies alike.

By Tyler Durden: Typically, this type of bullying behavior backfires in the Americans' face. And now, as the US prepares to lift travel restrictions while the CDC prepares to force all Americans to accept another booster jab in order to retain their "fully vaccinated" status (despite the risks to younger healthy patients).

But in the latest sign that - despite the fact that Hillary Clinton's historic loss to Donald Trump, which happened nearly 5 years ago, should have essentially left her exiled from the public stage - the former Secretary of State isn't going anywhere (as her ambition to be president morphs into what some might call a delusion), the former Democratic Presidential Candidate had the gall to appear on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show over the weekend to chide British PM Boris Johnson for his handling of the pandemic, and demanding that he impose "mandatory" vaccines on all Britons, while requiring vaccine passports for all travelers - allegedly to sidestep another lockdown in the UK.

US CDC Director: Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers To Be Sent For "Education And Counseling"

“There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated...”

Authored by Steve Watson:Appearing on Fox News Sunday, the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky declared that the Biden regime is planning to provide vaccine hesitant police and other government workers with “education and counseling” to make them “comfortable” about taking the shots.

Walensky told Chris Wallace that “We have seen that these mandates are getting more and more people vaccinated.”

“What we know from the police workforce is there have been more deaths from the coronavirus over the last year and a half than all other causes of death for that workforce combined,” she claimed, adding “So we believe it is very important to get these people vaccinated.”

Then came the kicker.

How To Disarm Propaganda - Professor Mark Crispin Miller

Corbett: Today Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Professor and News From Underground publisher, joins us to discuss his specialty: propaganda. In true #SolutionsWatch style, we discuss ways to identify and dissect propaganda, as well as how to help others to see through common propaganda techniques.

If You Take COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again - UK Government Stats Unveil The Horrifying Truth

Hard facts pour in from country after country that Covid cases rise with vaccination and the stupid media reports that the cases are the result of permitting people freedom of movement

Why can no media, no official “health agency” connect the obvious dots?


If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth

The British government has spilled the beans about that fact that once you get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity.

THE HARVESTING: Covid-19 Vaccines Lead To New Infections And Mortality - The Evidence is Overwhelming

Vaccination advocates claim vaccinations in Israel and Britain have been successful, as current, daily contaminations and mortality are low.

But these apparent successes correspond in fact to the disappearance of a large part of the people at risk (the “harvesting”) achieved by vaccination and to the spontaneous regression of the disease observed also in countries with little vaccination.

By Gérard Delépine: Two months ago, we tried to alert people to the paradoxical results of the covid19 vaccines by publishing the pre- and post-vaccination mortality curves for Israel and Great Britain [1] which already showed that these vaccinations were followed by ‘a considerable increase in contamination and mortality lasting 6 to 8 weeks after the start of vaccination. [2]

Since this period, vaccination campaigns have spread worldwide even to countries where covid was not present. And everywhere they have been followed by a dramatic rise in new infections and mortality for several weeks or months. [3]

25 Oct 2021

"Ample Scientific Data": Congresswoman Introduces 'Natural Immunity Is Real Act'

“Too many medical leaders are refusing to publicly recognize what overwhelming data has already shown—protection afforded to individuals with natural immunity is real, robust and durable,”

Authored by Zachary Stieber: There is plenty of evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have protection against reinfection, Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.) said.

“There’s ample scientific studies that show that natural immunity is absolutely one of the best things you could have—and some studies even show that it’s more effective [than vaccination],” Harshbarger said during a recent appearance on NTD’s “Capitol Report.”

Natural immunity refers to post-recovery antibodies that shield people against reinfection of the USF (United States Funded) virus, which causes COVID-19.

Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.) is seen in an undated file photograph. (Courtesy of Rep. Diana Harshbarger's Office)

Expert’s Letter Written To The Belgian Minister Of Heath Explaining The Complete Falsity Of The Covid Protocol

'This letter from Marc Wathelet, PhD, Expert in Molecular Biology and Immunology, is addressed to the Belgian Minister of Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, and analyzes not only the mandates imposed on health care workers but also the vaccination of children and the “Safe Ticket” vaccination passport intended for the general population. The content of the letter is relevant not only to the Belgian situation but also to that of other countries adopting this kind of coercive measures, that are particularly questionable as for their public health benefits.'

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: I am convinced that it is not possible for the Belgian Minister of Health to be as stupid as he presents himself to be. Clearly, the Minister knows that the intent of the policy is to do harm. The harm will be blamed on variants, and variants will be used to gin up more fear, resulting in more control over the population and the implementation of more tyrannical policies. The liberty and lives of people are being exterminated.

He Tortured Snoopy To Death! #ArrestFauci Trending Twitter

Dr. Ron Paul: Revelations over the weekend of horrific dog torture experiments funded by Fauci have unleashed a massive wave of demands that Biden's top Covid advisor be not only fired, but arrested. Will he survive another scandal? Also today: Sweden permanently suspends Moderna jab, Austria looking at lockdown again, CDC considering re-defining "fully vaccinated," and more...

The Boy And The Starfish And The Yawning Chasm Of Infinity

“Motherfucker, why do you let cancer exist??”

By Caitlin Johnstone: A man walking along the beach came upon a boy picking up starfish and throwing them into the water.

“What are you doing?” the man asked him.

“I’m throwing these starfish back into the sea,” the boy answered. “The tide’s gone out and they’ll cook in the sun if I don’t help them.”

“But there are miles and miles of beach and countless starfish in every mile,” said the man. “You can’t possibly make any difference!”

The boy listened politely, then picked up another starfish and tossed it into the surf.

“Made a difference to that one,” he said to the man.

“I mean that’s a cute answer and all,” said the man. “It would fit nicely in a Facebook meme shared by your religious aunty, or a motivational speech from the early nineties. But in the grand scheme of things you must surely understand that saving that one starfish is of no real significance? The tide will go out again tomorrow, and this beach will once again be lined with dying starfish just as it is now, among them quite likely our little friend you just rescued.”

Researcher’s Analysis Of VAERS Data Reveals 5,427% Increase In Deaths Following COVID Shots Compared To All Vaccines The Past 10 Years

By Brian Shilhavy: Dr. Jessica Rose has given another presentation based on her analysis of the CDC and FDA VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data.

Dr. Jessica Rose has a BSc in Applied Mathematics and completed her MSc in Immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She completed her PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University and then did her first Post Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Molecular Biology.

To date, she has compiled some of the best analysis of the VAERS data that I have seen this year. We have published some of her previous presentations: STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines, Study: Analysis of VAERS Shows the COVID Shots are Likely Cause of Deaths, Spontaneous Abortions, Cardiovascular, Neurological, and Immunological Adverse Events

Reason And Passion

By Khalil Gibran:  And the priestess spoke again and said: Speak to us of Reason and Passion.
And he answered, saying:

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgement wage war against your passion and your appetite.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.