30 Nov 2021

Modern Women Are Home Alone For The Holidays

Kevin Samuels: Holiday 2021 is off to an incredible start with all of the reports of how different Thanksgiving was AFTER "average at best".

The "Moronic" Omicron Deception

Dr. Ron Paul: Thanksgiving weekend was rocked by reports of a new Covid mutation, quickly named "Omicron Variant," which resulted in lockdown-happy "public health officials" across the globe pushing the panic button. Actual doctors reporting from "ground zero" in South Africa, however, report that the infections thus far from the new mutation are much more mild than the "Delta Variant." Also today: Fauci jumps the shark, claiming that "I represent science!"

'Partner In Crime': Maxwell Jnr. Prosecution Opens With Sordid Details Of Her's & Epstein's Sexual Predation Of Kids

Talmudic Jewish Mossad Paedophiles Maxwell Jnr. and Epstein, "They had a play book: get access, gain trust" ...of Gentile kids to rape!

Tyler Durden: Update (1615ET): The prosecution opened its case against Ghislaine Maxwell on Monday, beginning with a disturbing tale of how the British Socialite and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein recruited underage victims for sexual predation.

As Matthew Russell Lee blogged for the Inner City Press:

Real Women v Modern Feminism On tiktok

"The things that women need to change about themselves and how women can be better."

29 Nov 2021

Think Carefully About Accepting Vaccine Passports

Vaccine passports get the tyrants 75% of the way to where they want to be. CBDCs [Central Bank Digital Currencies] linked to such passports gets them the rest of the way there...

Authored by 'sundance': As the architects of the Build Back Better society assist you in creating easier ways to show your vaccinated and compliant status, perhaps it is prudent to pause and think about the discussions that take place behind the opaque glass doors.

Right now, as you are reading this, under the guise of enhancing your safety, the U.S. federal government is in discussions with multinational corporations and employers of citizens to create a more efficient process for you to register your vaccine compliance.

You may know their conversation under the terminology of a COVID passport.

Vaccination Causes Variants As Antibiotics Breed Resistance In Bacteria - The Vaccinated Are Fueling COVID Variants

'It’s getting easier by the day to tell the quacks from the real McCoy, because the truth tellers will actually explain how things work, whereas the propagandists juggle catchphrases and attack those who ask questions.
  • The assumption that unvaccinated people are viral factories for more dangerous variants is false
  • Just as antibiotics breed resistance in bacteria, vaccines put evolutionary pressure on viruses to speed up mutations and create more virulent and dangerous variants
  • Viruses mutate all the time, and if you have a vaccine that doesn’t block infection completely, then the virus will mutate to evade the immune response within that person. That is one of the distinct features of the COVID shots — they’re not designed to block infection. They allow infection to occur and at best lessen the symptoms of that infection
  • In an unvaccinated person, the virus does not encounter the same evolutionary pressure to mutate into something stronger. So, if SARS-CoV-2 does end up mutating into more lethal strains, then mass vaccination is most likely the driver
  • So far, SARS-CoV-2 variants are at most 0.3% different from the original Wuhan virus. Such minor variation means the virus will not present itself as a new virus. If you’ve recovered from COVID-19, your immune system will still recognize it.

US Sens. Cruz, Paul Blast "Astounding Authoritarian" Fauci For "I Am Science" Claim

“Fauci is an unelected technocrat who has distorted science and facts in order to exercise authoritarian control over millions of Americans.”

Authored by Steve Watson: Responding to Anthony Fauci again declaring that he represents science, Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul blasted the “hubris” of ” an unelected technocrat,” warning that he has “distorted science” in order to exert “authoritarian control.”

Fauci appeared on CBS News’ Face The Nation, and declared that “Anybody who spins lies and threatens and all that theater that goes on with some of the investigations and the congressional committees and the Rand Pauls and all that other nonsense, that’s noise.”

He further claimed “if you’re attacking me, you’re really attacking science,” adding “I mean, everybody knows that.”

It isn’t the first time that Fauci has essentially declared that he IS science.

Jewish Mossad Honeypot Paedophile Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Starting Today - Will Not Be Livestreamed

Is there another giant Jewish Mossad Honeypot Paedophile Epstein bomb about to drop?

Photo: The dynamic Jewish Mossad Paedophile duo.

By Tyler Durden: With the way social media blew up this weekend about the Ghislaine Maxwell trial coverage, one might think so. Over the last few days, messages on Facebook and Twitter have expressed disgust and skepticism about the fact that the Maxwell trial will not be livestreamed, similar to the way the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was.

There have been Tweets abound suggesting that press may be banned from the courtroom and that Judge Alison Nathan had issued some type of "gag order" preventing the press from being at the trial.. 

Tweets like these were abound, making their way across social media all weekend:

Triggered US Anti-Human Frankenstein Coronavirus Funder Dr. Fauci SNAPS At Dr. Rand Paul, Instantly Regrets It +

The USA funded the Covid pandemic!

Watch Dr. Rand Paul v triggered Dr. "Death Bringer" Fauci in Congress.

UK Health Authority Slammed By Watchdog For Misleading Public That Unvaxx'd Have Greater Risk Of COVID Death

The fact is that the opposite is true and it is the vaxx'd that are dying at a greater rate than the unvaxx'd and dying in far greater numbers than those with natural immunity who are the best protected of all by a very wide margin. Statistics are being spun like this all the time by Government and others during the scamdemic to bolster the preferred Jew Gates Big Pharma money grubbing narrative.

Authored by via The Daily Sceptic: Ed Humpherson, Director of U.K. Statistics Authority the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), has written to Emma Rourke, Director of Health Analysis at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to criticise the agency for a report it put out in October lying that: “Between January 2nd and September 24th 2021, the age-adjusted risk of deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 32 times greater in unvaccinated people than in fully vaccinated individuals.”

Transphobic Lesbians

"Suck my female cock bitch!"

The BBC recently published an article featuring Lesbians talking about how they're being labelled 'transphobic' by the trans community. Here's the original article .. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-5... 

Regards, 🐻

28 Nov 2021

We’re Sleepwalking Into Nuclear War

'There are no checks or balances on this insane agenda. It’s supported by all mainstream parties and all mainstream media outlets.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: Every day there’s more propaganda banging the drums of war between nuclear-armed nations a little louder. Western media are churning out reports about Russia preparing to invade Ukraine any minute now and China preparing to invade Taiwan any minute now, saying the response to each is obviously to move a lot of high-powered weaponry to both of those locations, and none of them are questioning whether these allegations are true or whether those responses are wise.

This is so dangerous. This whole two-front nuclear brinkmanship game is so very, very dangerous, and they keep finding ways to make it more dangerous. And hardly anyone notices it, because the news media outlets that people look to to understand the world aren’t telling them it’s dangerous.

The only danger you’re allowed to discuss in mainstream western reporting about Russia and China is their scary aggressive expansionism, like this new Newsweek propaganda piece here. Nowhere are you allowed to question if it’s true, or to even breathe a word about the possibility of detente.

German Statisticians Find The Same Result In Germany As In The UK: It Is A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated

The Covid “Vaccine” Makes You More Susceptible to Falling Ill with Covid and All Other Viruses and Diseases, because theVaccineDestroys the Innate Immune System.

See: stgeorgewest.blogspot.com/2021/11/uk-official-data-proves-it-is-pandemic.html

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In Germany the states with the highest vaccination rate have the most excess deaths.

Dr. Ute Bergner, a physicist who is a member of the Thuringian state parliament in Germany, commissioned statisticians to investigate the relationship between vaccination and excess mortality in the 16 German federal states.

The statisticians found that the states with the lowest percentage of the population vaccinated had the lowest excess mortality. In contrast the state with the highest vaccination rate (66%) had the highest rate of excess deaths.

“The correlation coefficient is +0.31. In the eyes of the two data scientists this is ‘astonishingly high.’ Especially since the believers in the vaccine are claiming the opposite but provide no proof for their notion of ‘protection’.

UK Official Data Proves It Is A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated

'The vaccinated accounted for 81% of all [UK] deaths. ...The fully vaccinated may want to stay home for a few months to protect the rest of the population.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The latest Covid report from The UK Health Security Agency is that for the past month the unvaccinated accounted for 39% of all cases, 34% of all hospitalisations, and 19% of all deaths. Whilst the vaccinated accounted for 61% of all cases, 66% of all hospitalisations, and 81% of all deaths.

So much for the shrill lie of the American whore media, corrupt medical establishment, lying Fauci and Walensky, and dumbshit politicians.

With the new Xi-Omicron COVID variant making headlines in the West, the fully vaccinated may want to stay home for a few months to protect the rest of the population.

The Jews' TERRIFYING Nuclear Weapon Grade Spyware That Has Ended Democracy Throughout The Entire World

“One of the most fundamental attacks on democracy & human rights ever invented”

-George Monbiot

Miriam Adelson Picks Up Where Warmongering Late Husband Left Off - Fishing For Our Taxes & Sons To Kill More Arabs

2024 US candidates know what Jewish billionaire donor wants, and that’s a warmongering pro-Israel U.S. policy in the Middle East.

By Clifton: It’s big news when a political party’s biggest funder announces, after a period of mourning for the death of their spouse, that they will be continuing their role as the go-to funder for congressional and presidential candidates in 2022 and 2024. You also might expect a discussion of how that donor expects to influence U.S. politics with their campaign donations. You’d be wrong.

Yesterday, Politico provided in-depth reporting on how “Republican mega donor Miriam Adelson — the widow of casino mogul and longtime GOP kingmaker Sheldon Adelson — is staging a return to politics, positioning herself to be a force in the 2022 midterms and beyond.”

This is big news. Adelson, a U.S.-Israel dual national, is worth $30 billion as the majority shareholder of Las Vegas Sands, a casino and resort company with enormous business interests in Singapore and Macau, a Chinese Special Administrative Region.

Big Pharma Has It Set Up For Vaccines & Profits Forever

Each vaccine will produce more variants and kill more people.

Big Pharma’s medical shills are stoking fires of fear:

“Further Mutations of the Covid-19 virus could spawn a strain as contagious as Delta and as deadly as the Ebola virus.”

“Frank Ulrich Montgomery, chairman of the global physicians’ society (WMA), shared his fears with Germany’s Funke media group’s newspapers on Saturday. He stressed the importance of not “giving the virus a chance” to mutate any further. To achieve this, it may be necessary to keep “vaccinating the world for years” to come, Montgomery said.”

Once again, it is completely proven that the vaccine itself produces the variants. The more vaccination, the more variants and the more injuries and deaths. The corrupt medical establishment knows this and is driving us down this path to extinction.

Ethiopia Warns USA: Stop "Spreading False Info" About War!

Desisa said Ethiopia is not only fighting the TPLF, "but also with colonialism of the powerful states of the West."

Authored by Dave DeCamp: On Thursday, Ethiopia warned the US against "spreading false information" after the US Embassy in Addis Ababa warned of a potential terrorist attack in the city and urged Americans to leave.

Ethiopian government spokesman Kebede Desisa said there was no terror threat to the capital and accused the US of supporting the forces from the northern Tigray region, known as the Tigray’s People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Desisa said Ethiopia is not only fighting the TPLF, "but also with colonialism of the powerful states of the West." He also rebuked Western media reports that said the TPLF is closing in on Addis Ababa as an attempt to create chaos in the city.

Since the war broke out last year, the US has sanctioned Ethiopia and its northern neighbor Eritrea and is threatening more action. Ethiopians regularly protest against Western intervention in the war. On November 7th, tens of thousands of Ethiopians marched in Addis Ababa in support of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and denounced the US.

We Are Already Living In A Brave New World! - Huxley's Warning To The World

Technology and the endless supply of stimulating yet morally degrading entertainment that flows from it is creating a passive, ignorant and spiritually crippled population uninterested in resisting the implementation of its political chains
Is it too late to turn back the forces of technocracy and the scientific dictatorship?

In the 21st century, how far away are we from Huxley’s dystopian vision of the future?

“It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in the process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and will always exist to get people to love their servitude.” 

- Aldous Huxley, interview at University of California Berkeley (1962)

Gavin Newlands (SNP) Doesn’t Know What Day It Is

"The idea that women are completely oppressed is definitely and utterly incorrect.”

By MRA-UK: On Thursday 25 November 2021, the House of Commons debated International Men’s Day in Westminster Hall. Nicholas Fletcher (Con), Scott Benton (Con) and Kemi Badenoch (Con) all gave good speeches. The whole debate is here.

Kemi Badenoch deserves a shout out for mentioning the inclusion of parental alienation in the DA Act Guidance, and praising Phillip Davies for his work on that issue. She also gave Martin Seager and male psychology a mention – excellent.

Gavin Newlands (SNP), on the other hand, seems to have been confused. Perhaps there was an error on his order papers. He appears to have thought the debate was about Violence Against Women and Girls, or perhaps that it was International Women’s Day. Here are some of his contributions,

“International Men’s Day is anathema to me. It is a rather cruel joke concocted in response to feminism, women’s rights and International Women’s Day. My personal view is that international days are usually for the oppressed, the underprivileged or those facing inequality.

Corrupt Unhinged Money Grubber Fauci: Critics Of Me 'Are Killing People'!

Dr. Ron Paul: Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of "killing people." Senator Paul has a great retort to this absurd and, frankly, unhinged claim. Also today: "Don't call looting looting!"

Watch: California Town Declares Independence From "Dictatorship Powers" Of State, Federal COVID Mandates

“I believe that worldwide, but especially in California, that the very fabric of our nation is at a crossroads of how much authority we’ll let the government have,” comparing the struggle to a war.

Authored by Steve Watson: A town in California has declared itself a “constitutional republic,” independent of executive orders issued by the federal or state governments, in protest of lockdowns, mask mandates and compulsory vaccinations.

Appearing on Fox News, Oroville California’s vice-mayor Scott Thomson outlined the move, noting “I was sitting at City Hall, and the mandates continue to come. As you know it started with ‘two weeks to stop the—slow the curve,’ and it just seems like a carrot keeps being dangled in front of our faces of just a little more… and it seems like every mandate that comes down, it is a loss of freedom.”

Zio-Jews Beg World To Keep Paying Their Occupation Bills

Jews call humans "Goyim" and "Shiksas" derogatory terms implying inferiority.

Jews are taught to believe everyone on earth is inferior to them via their unique despicable doctrines torah and talmud.

The Jews' disgusting self-centred doctrines are widely available in printed form.

By Maureen Clare Murphy: The Jewish land theft project Israel’s enablers met in Europe to discuss aid to the Palestinian Authority earlier this month.

The meeting offers a lesson on how The powerful Jewish lobby makes third states use aid to relieve The Jews of their obligations under international law and prolong and exacerbate the current state of extreme injustice in Palestine against Christians, Muslims and atheists.

26 Nov 2021

Australian Concentration Camps Are Up And Running

Watching the “free world” vanish
Details about life inside the Australian concentration camps are beginning to leak out through the internet. Although the information cannot be directly verified, due to the importance of this issue, TheCOVIDWorld has decided to report on this story since it’s unlikely the Australian government is going to release such information themselves.

The COVID World: An anonymous poster has detailed their experiences in an Australian concentration camp. The poster claims he was confined after flying into Australia from Singapore.

Despite being vaccinated and having taken 3 tests on his trip, which were all negative, he was forced to attend the camp.

Photo: A proof of position photo from inside an Australian COVID Concentration Camp

In the post, the writer says that he was forced onto a bus with blacked-out windows by armed guards for a two-hour ride to the concentration camp. Inmates are allegedly forced to take the vaccine, but also tested regularly and watched by cameras and armed guards. Detainees are charged $2,500 for their two-week involuntary stay.

The Great Conspiracy Debate

James joins Richard Grove and Tony Myers of the Grand Theft World podcast to dissect a heated discussion between Tim Pool and Luke Rudkowski about the importance (or unimportance) of conspiracy research. The conversation soon zeroes in on the nature of mediated reality and the problem of technologically determined narratives.

Yet Another Professional Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses In The Middle Of A Game After Covid Injection

'What could be causing all these sudden collapses of otherwise elite, fit and healthy professional athletes?' ...The Covid vaccine!

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Yet another professional footballer collapsed suddenly in the middle of a game last night during Real Madrid’s Champions League tie with Sheriff Tiraspol in Moldova.

26-year-old Sherrif Tiraspol winger Adama Traore was seen clutching his chest as he slumped to the ground in the 77th minute.

The Mali attacker remained down as medics rushed on the pitch to help, initially trying to revive him with smelling salts to little success.

How Zio-Fascist Starmer’s Jew Bankrolled Labour Reversed 40 Years Of Progress On Genocidal Jew Occupied Palestine

Rights groups have declared The Jews' anti-Gentile land theft project "IsRealHell" an apartheid regime, but Jew bankrolled UK Labour and Tory parties are now competing to be IsRealHell's best friend

By Jonathan Cook: British politics is lurching backwards when it comes to Jew occupied Palestine aka Israel. Gains won over many decades that made it possible to critique Israel and its belligerent rule over Palestinians are being undone almost overnight – and on both sides of the supposed political divide.

A rash of recent incidents illustrate how quickly the rot has set in: 

• Both the ruling Conservative and opposition Labour parties vehemently denounced a street protest this month against Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s hard-right ambassador to the UK, a champion of its illegal settlements and denier of Palestinian history. 

Senior politicians from each side of the aisle claimed the protest was antisemitic and, in a moment of peak cognitive dissonance, an attack on free speech.

A CRAZY MESS! Pfizer Whistleblower SLAMS Vaccine Trials

Russell Brand: A researcher who was employed by a company that oversaw three clinical trial sites of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has made revelations about poor practices at the facilities.

25 Nov 2021

US Mixed Race Racist Kills 6 White People Injures 62 With Car

13 children from the Christmas Parade remain hospitalised and 6 are in critical condition.

PJW: The real story is magically disappearing.

MEPs Fighting For Freedom In EU v 666 Scamdemic Fascism

Defending Peoples' Rights Against Mandatory Digital Certificate

"There is no pandemic!"

Cristian Terhes: In this third press conference, which took place on 24 Nov. 2021 in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, we explained why the Green Certificate is violating peoples' fundamental rights as well as other related topics.

Former Pro Calls For "Investigation" After Another Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses After Covid Vaccine Injection

...there has been a “5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021.”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: A former professional Premier League footballer has called for an investigation after yet another player suddenly collapsed in the middle of a match last night.

Sheffield United midfielder John Fleck fell to the ground during his team’s game at Reading and had to be taken off on a stretcher after receiving lengthy treatment and being given an oxygen mask.

The 30-year-old Scottish international “went down unchallenged before team-mates quickly waved medics on,” reports BBC News.

Fleck was taken to hospital where he is said to be in good condition.

The player becomes yet another unfortunate addition to a lengthy list of footballers and other top athletes who have suddenly collapsed on the field of play in recent months.

“We’ll Never Give Up” - Protests Erupt Across World Over Government COVID Tyranny

"My body my choice! We're standing up for our kids! Resistance is not futile!"

Corbett: Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: “We’ll Never Give Up” - Protests Erupt Across World Over Gov't COVID Tyranny


On The Brink Of Chaos

Peak Prosperity: Protests erupted all over Europe and in Australia over the prospect of renewed lockdowns, vaccinating children and other Covid measures. They’re fed up. I am fed up. You are fed up.

The main problem? None of the measures have actually worked so far and are an incoherent mess. Instead of rethinking strategies and being more thoughtful in communicating the necessity and goals of the new approaches, many governments have instead become more dictatorial and authoritarian. This is creating even more friction within and among the citizenry.

To avoid being a ‘rat in a cage’ your first step toward freedom rests in understand who is delivering the shocks and why.

24 Nov 2021

The Scamdemic: Understand The Close Financial Connection Between Regulators, Public Health Agencies & Big Pharma

"Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe!"

"Non-reporting of vaccine injuries is epidemic."

"They are feeding on the corpses of our obliterated middle class engourging themselves!"

Tucker Carlson with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

'Immune Erosion' Facts BANNED By Facebook: The Zio-Jews Experiencing Explosion Of Vaxxed People Dying With Covid

'The first country to rush into self-destruction, is the first country learning the lesson.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Jewish Israel being a small country quickly got its population “protected” with the Covid “vaccine.” The result? A new wave of Covid infection.

“The vaccne has no efficacy.” There is talk about “immune erosion.” What is happening is what censored experts said would happen. The “vaccine” causes adverse reactions and the “vaccine” destroys the human immune system making the vaccinated person more susceptible to viruses and illnesses. Consequently, deaths and illness rise with vaccination. You are more likely to catch Covid and die if you are vaccinated.

Reality Is Creeping In On Fauci And Walensky

'Fauci and Walensky should make trips to Israel, Gibraltar, Iceland, and other highly vaccinated places and see the hospitals filled with vaccinated people. ... They prefer to kill and maim more people than to admit they were wrong.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Two Stooges Fauci and Walensky are two years behind the experts but they now admit that hospitalizations are rising among those who are vaccinated and that there is a decline in vaccine efficacy.

Their solution for a failed vaccine? More vaccine. NIH and CDC with a number of dumbshit governors have not caught on, or will not admit, what experts know–the vaccine has serious side-effects and destroys the innate human immune system, making it easier for people to succumb to Covid and all other viruses and diseases.

So far all evidence shows that illness and death rises with vaccination. The same thing will happen with more vaccination. When the third jab worsens the situation, their solution will be a fourth jab.

Germany's New Leaders Reject Merkel's Request For 2-Week Covid Lockdown

'Germany finally has a leader who puts personal liberties and rights over the demands of the pharma lobby and whatever The ScienceTM is paid to declare on any given day.'

By Tyler Durden: Germany's new "traffic light" coalition - which we discussed earlier - is not even a day old and yet it appears its new leader, current Merkel finance minister Olaf Scholz, has already made a decisive break with the previous boss over what Scholz has described as one of Germany's most important domestic policy issues: the handling of the coronavirus pandemic particularly the "4th wave" of the virus that has sparked panic, leading to demonstrations in Germany and across the EU.

According to Bild, which is a tabloid so take it with a mountain of salt, Germany's incoming government has turned down a request by Merkel to impose a two-week "lockdown for all" immediately following her departure.

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance Is Monopolizing The Planet

The Green Financial Swindle

"They're selling this to people with collectivist terminology and propaganda and claiming that we all have to come together to save the planet, but really we're not saving the planet, if we go along with this we're handing it on a silver platter to people who will destroy it and will destroy us as a species!"

Is A Smallpox Plague Being Organized For Us?

Greg Reese: A twenty year timeline of Big Pharma preparing for the Smallpox Bio Attack

Is A Smallpox Plague Being Organized For Us?

If Not, What Is Going On?

PCR: It has been many years since smallpox was eliminated as a disease on earth. Indeed, generations have been born who never received the smallpox vaccination. Now we hear that new smallpox vaccines are being produced for a virus that exists only in vials supposedly under secure storage but recently found laying about at NIH and Merck.

Is a more deadly Wuhan incident being prepared?

23 Nov 2021

Kremlin Informs China: 10 US Strategic Bombers Trained To Use Nukes Against Russia This Month

Russian defense chief to PLA counterpart: "such actions of the US strategic bomber aviation pose a threat not only to Russia but also to China."

"I also support your vision of the military threat to our countries coming from the United States of America."

By Tyler Durden: Russia's Defense Ministry informed China on Tuesday that US strategic bombers recently conducted training exercises which envisioned Russia as a target for nuclear strikes.

Speaking to Chinese Defense Minister and top PLA General Wei Fenghe, Russia's defense chief Sergey Shoigu described that "this month, during US strategic forces exercise Global Thunder, ten strategic bombers practiced the option of using nuclear weapons against Russia almost simultaneously from the Western and Eastern directions."

The Scamdemic: The Global Fake “Covid Pandemic” Was Orchestrated In Order to Impose Tyranny And Depopulation

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Dear Readers:

The extraordinary measures we are witnessing in Austria and Europe and the news report that Australia is moving covid patients and contacts into concentration camps comprise proof that the covid measures are unrelated to public health. https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth/status/1462740215571918849

Both HCQ and Ivermectin are known Covid cures and preventatives. The evidence is overwhelming. In India’s largest province, Uttar Pradesh, with a dense population three times larger than the combined population of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, covid was contained by the use of Ivermectin. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/uttar-pradesh-government-says-ivermectin-helped-to-keep-deaths-low-7311786/

In no country has covid vaccination had success, much less success like Ivermectin in India.

Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 Are Dying At Twice The Rate Of Unvaccinated People The Same Age

...And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it’s correct, based on weekly data from the British government.

By Alex Berenson: The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people.

The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range.

I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people.