'Give it four years or even eight, not one American will be able to recall what man or woman meant.'
By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: Finally it has achieved what its elite has pushed for.
America is a united country: its senate, congress and future president are guided by the same ‘progressive’ ideology that is also shared by its financial elite, cultural industry, academia and of course, the mainstream media.
America is institutionally united but Americans couldn’t be more divided.
The United States has been a social testing ground for a while. But from now on until further notice, there is no established or institutional opposition to this groundbreaking experiment.
But I am optimistic, I would give it the necessary time. We may find out soon that all these so-called rebellious ‘reactionaries,’ ‘cowboys,’ ‘rednecks,’ and ‘deplorables’ actually like the new cultural and spiritual offering.