11 Jan 2021

Guinea Pigs United

Not many countries are brave or reckless enough to execute a vast medical experiment on their entire population and put vulnerable people at risk. Not so Great Britain and slimy Jewish Israel did.

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: On December 8, Britain was the first Western country to start “immunising its population.” Two weeks later, just a few days before Christmas, Britain grasped that it was in serious trouble. Covid-19, the virus that was supposed to disappear from our lives, mutated into something else. On December 19, PM Boris Johnson admitted that British scientists had identified a new Covid-19 mutant that is ‘70% more transmissible’ than its ancestors. Britain introduced tighter local restrictions, yet despite these, along with the vast vaccination campaign, the numbers of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths kept rising. They are escalating exponentially on a daily basis.

Jewish Israel launched its mass vaccination campaign a few days after Britain.