19 Jan 2021

Hasbara Merchant: Nas Daily’s “Israeli” Partner Makes “Secret” Visit To Lebanon

A Nas Daily video posted last February unambiguously identifies Alyne Tamir as Jewish. (via YouTube)

By Tamara Nassar: A video blogger who has repeatedly identified as Israeli is now claiming she is only a US citizen, following a secret visit to Lebanon earlier this month.

Alyne Tamir is the partner and colleague of Nuseir Yassin, the creator of the viral videos under the name Nas Daily.

Tamir travels around the world with Yassin and makes frequent appearances in his videos.

Walter Williams Suffers No Fools

THF: No economist of modern times has challenged and overturned more wrong-headed economic thinking than Walter Williams. For forty years he’s argued against the illogic of the minimum wage, racial quotas, occupational licensing as well as the welfare state. What drives his liberal critics crazy is his provocative argument that these government interventions hurt the very people they are designed to help.