22 Jan 2021

The Price Of Biden's Victory - Top Jobs For Zio-Jews In His New Administration

From secretary of state to attorney general, a diverse cross-section of American Jewry is set to fill seats at the incoming president’s Cabinet table and elsewhere in government

By JTA: US President Joe Biden filled the months before Inauguration Day lining up a slate of Cabinet secretaries, assistants and advisers, many of them Jewish.

Biden’s choices reflect a diverse cross-section of American Jewry and possess expertise gleaned from decades of experience in government, science and medicine and law.

Here’s a rundown of the Jewish names you should know as the Biden administration begins.

Former IDF [Jewish Israel Death Force] Spy Recruited By UK Labour Should Feel Right At Home

Assaf Kaplan’s work in notorious cyber unit surveilling and extorting Palestinians fits with Labour’s new ethos under Keir Starmer

Jonathan Cook - Middle East Eye: The revelation this week that the British Labour Party recently appointed a former Israeli military spy to work in its headquarters, reporting to the office of leader Keir Starmer, is truly extraordinary in many different regards.

It is hard to believe the Labour leadership did not know who Assaf Kaplan was or appreciate the likely backlash to placing someone with his background in charge the party’s social media work. That may explain the continuing reluctance from the Labour leadership to comment.

In his online CV, Kaplan had drawn attention to his years spent in the notorious Israeli military intelligence unit 8200, which has a long and ugly record of surveilling Palestinians.

One of the unit’s main tasks, highlighted by a group of whistleblowers in 2014 and widely publicised in the British media, is to gain damaging information to blackmail individual Palestinians. They are then threatened into collaborating with Israel’s military authorities against fellow Palestinians.

Europe Is Waking Up To The Truth About Coronavirus Scare - Nurse Points Out C19 ‘Is A Load Of Bollocks’

Breitbart: We cannot be certain about the precise size of the large anti-lockdown crowds that massed in London and Berlin this weekend, but at least two things can be safely said. First, the numbers will likely be deliberately under-reported by the mainstream media. Second, as the weeks go by, these protests are going to get bigger and bigger.