23 Jan 2021

Freedom Airway

Corbett: Professor Dolores Cahill discusses a solution for freedom-respecting travel in the age of COVID 1984. The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance is seeking to create travel options that don’t require travelers to submit to vaccination, face masks or quarantines.

Woody Allen’s Innocence - How Mud Sticks To Falsely Accused Men

Bettina Arndt: The endless persecution of Woody Allen is a fable for our times, with many in the film world and mainstream media still supporting Mia Farrow’s version of events in relation to the sexual abuse allegations – despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Laura Bates - The Woman Who Hates Men For Money


The Glass Blind Spot: Fact Checking Laura Bates' unlikely claim that she 'infiltrated' a Men's Rights event with the two women who organised Messages for Men 2018.

Why Are Gentile Ireland’s Police Teaming Up With Jewish Israel’s Anti-Gentile Torture Ministry?

“It should be unconscionable for the police force of a democratic state to engage in a joint project with Jewish Israel’s ministry of terror. ...It should be doubly so when that project will be used by The Jews to adapt technology to better police a brutal military occupation, illegally colonize indigenous peoples’ land and to oppress, repress and imprison anyone who resists these injustices.”

Ireland’s two police forces are taking part in an EU-funded project alongside Israel’s “torture ministry.” Liam McBurney ZUMA Press

By Ciaran Tierney: Ireland’s police forces have given unconvincing explanations about why they are cooperating with a Jewish Israel ministry implicated in torture and war crimes.

The Separate Regimes Delusion

South Africa’s anti-black apartheid lasted 46 years. Jewish Israel’s anti-Gentile apartheid is at 72, and counting...

By Nathan Thrall: Last April​, Haaretz ran a statement warning the Israeli government against formally annexing its settlements in the Jew occupied West Bank. Opinion polls showed that the public didn’t care much about the issue, but political elites were debating it fiercely. Both proponents and opponents of annexation claimed that the future of Jewish Israel and Zionism was at stake. The statement argued that ‘annexation would mean a fatal blow to the possibility of peace and would be the establishment of an apartheid state.’ It was signed by 56 former members of the Knesset, among them former ministers of the interior, foreign affairs, finance and more than a dozen other departments, as well as former ambassadors, generals in the Jewish Israel Death Force, chairs of political parties, a head of the semi-governmental Jewish Agency for Jewish Israel, a former speaker of the Knesset, and a winner of the Israel Prize.