30 Jan 2021

UK & Israel: An Examination Of Some 'Facts' Related To Mass Vaccination

'Since Jewish Israel launched its vast vaccination campaign in December, it has been witnessing an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths. ...I would have loved to believe that it is not too late for Britain to postpone the current mass vaccination campaign'

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: The case of Jewish Israel, leading the world by far in the mass vaccination contest, doesn’t leave much maneuvering room for skeptics. Since Jewish Israel launched its vast vaccination campaign in December, it has been witnessing an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths. By now, the British Mutant has become Jewish Israel’s dominant COVID strain. Apartheid Jewish Israel’s health system is on the brink of collapse.

Lessons From Wall Street: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Whoever controls the narrative controls the world.

By Caitlin Johnstone: That’s all you’re seeing in efforts to manage information via censorship, algorithm changes, “fact” checking, Russian propaganda panic, etc. Humans are story-driven animals, so if you control the stories you control the humans.

Lessons from this whole Wall Street/Reddit ordeal:

  • The stock market is a scam.
  • There is no “free market” and there never will be.
  • Wall Street predators are the most despised people on earth.
  • The public can do more to fight back than it had previously assumed.
  • There’s surely a lot more we can do to fight back that we haven’t thought of yet.

Medieval Insight: What Prevents Hate Amid Gender Injustices

By Author Douglas Galbi:
With worldly authorities coldly indifferent to men’s sufferings, men endure harsh gender injustices of love and hate. These gender injustices might drive men themselves to hate. Yet men express relatively little hate. Medieval literature shows ways in which men are saved from hate.