26 Feb 2021

The Radical Feminist Deconstruction of Men

By Gerald Schoenewolf Ph.D.: Over the years, feminism has portrayed itself as a political moment that is working toward the goal of equality between men and women.  But this is just its public relations angle.  When you study feminist history for the last hundred years, you discover a trend not towards equality but towards inequality: putting down men and idealizing women.

There has always been an aspect of feminism, even in 19th Century Europe, of man-hatred.  In 1949, Simone de Beauvoir, a French feminist, wrote about how women are subjected to “domestic slavery,” by men.   That phrase has echoed down to the present day, along with many others.  Over time, there has been a concerted attempt to depict males and masculinity in a most unsavory way.

At the beginning of the second wave of feminism which began in the 1960s, feminists came up with new names for men.  They were said to be sexists, male chauvinists and misogynists.  Men were accused of being prejudiced against women, but women, according to these radical feminists, were not prejudiced against men.

Honest Govt. Ad - Jew Fight - News Corp Bargaining Code

The Australien Government has made an ad about the new Media legislation it just passed, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.

"A Police State Situation" Tucker Carlson And Naomi Wolf

 "Where moving into a police state situation!" Says Naomi Wolf.