1 Mar 2021

The Anti-Gentile Jews' Daily Assault On Childhood - Attacks, Bombings, Abductions, Rapes, Buggery, Shootings, Torture

Being a Gentile child in Jew occupied Palestine carries terrible risks. Airstrikes, home (and school) invasions, home (and school) demolitions, inability to access medical care, Jewish witch-doctors calling for your rape and buggery, Jewish MPs calling for your genocide, Jews boasting in their newspapers about how many of your friends they've murdered - these are just some of the dangers of being not-Jewish in a land under The Jews' control.

Compiled by If Americans Knew: Below are just a few of the many recent examples of “normal” childhood experiences for Palestinian youth at the hands of Israel. The trauma of going through an airstrike, or of being brutally attacked while at home in the middle of the night, or on the way to school, make life precarious. The possibility of going out to play and leaving in an ambulance, or of getting sick and having limited access to medical care, is very real.

All of this is subsidized by the US at a rate of $10.5 million every day in aid to Jewish Israel. Our Congress and UN ambassadors have supported this – thanks to the Jewish pro-Israel lobby – while Americans oppose it (read this, this, and this).

Munted News February 2021

DoctorRandomercam: It's not that I'm too munted to make more videos, it's that the world is too munted for me to keep up. You canne change the laws of physics! (he opined, naively) This content is NOT SUITABLE for the emotionally undeveloped, e.g. Children, Political Partisans, Mainstream Journalists, Silicon Valley Tech Bosses and CHINA. May not be recommended for pregnant women. Please consult your GP to find out if all of this is doing you any favours.

Headlines From Jew Occupied Palestine: New Week, Same Old Anti-Gentile Violence

The Jews' incessant anti-Gentile human rights abuses included last week: abductions, violence, home demolition and invasion, and more. Mainstream media won’t tell you these stories.

Compiled by If Americans Knew:

Invisible headlines: A little Gentile boy in the Bedouin community of Um al Khayr in the South Hebron Hills where large scale anti-Gentile home demolitions by the Jewish regime took place.


Invisible Headlines: abductions, violence by The Jews

The Institute for Palestine Studies reports: “For Palestinians, the experience of being a prisoner is as common to life under occupation as, say, land confiscations and checkpoints. Since 1967, 40% of the male survivor population behind the "Apartheid Walls" in West Bank and Gaza Mega Concentration Camps, or roughly 800,000 people, have been put in 'The Cooler' by The Jews.”