Guess Who Got The Sack ~ And Guess Who Didn't


My prosecution outcome of PC Cotton and Buckle. And who do you think got the tin tack?

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

'I am convinced that no health purpose will be served by Covid passports, and that the public should protest the introduction of a Judeo-Soviet-style internal passport.

...Keep in mind that Florida avoided lockdowns and mask mandates and has no worse infection and death rate than lockdown states.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: NY Governor Cuomo is establishing a Covid passport that will show vaccination or a recent negative test. It will serve as permission to enter events or venues. 

Will this passport be efficacious, or is its purpose to get us accustomed to a “your papers please” way of life?

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.”  If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine.  There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.

Corrupt Power Can’t Function In The Light: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

By Caitlin Johnstone: Transparency for the powerful would solve most of our problems. Corrupt power structures and their corrupt systems simply cannot function in the light. This is what Assange and WikiLeaks have tried to address. This is why Assange and WikiLeaks have been so aggressively targeted.

Most of the legwork for rolling out a new imperial propaganda narrative is actually done long before the rollout itself. The bulk of the work was done in preceding decades: training civilians throughout their lives to trust the institutions that will be launching said narrative. Rather than fighting every single propaganda narrative that crosses your screen, your energy is therefore better spent attacking the foundation of trust upon which all propaganda narratives are built. Showing everyone how untrustworthy these institutions are at their very root.

Even With An ICC Investigation Looming, The Jews Continue To Behave Like God's Chosen Inhuman Bastards

Gentiles in occupied Palestine are denied their human rights on a daily basis by Jewish religious land thieves ...Perhaps the International Criminal Court’s intervention will change things for the better, ...when IsRealHell freezes over

Even though Israel is about to go under the microscope of the International Criminal Court, it continues to defy international law by abusing the human rights of Indigenous Gentiles. Why? We want to hear your theories.

By Kathryn Shihadah: In case you haven’t heard, Israel is in a bit of hot water. The International Criminal Court is about to begin investigation into possible war crimes by Israel against the people of Palestine.