2 Apr 2021

Another Win For Palestinian Human Rights And BDS [Boycott Divestment & Sanctions] v The Anti-Gentile Jews

Another win for Palestinian rights and BDS

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a national network of activists and organizations that work to end U.S. complicity in the oppression Palestinians, reports a big win for BDS, the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement.

In the second important win for Palestinian rights and BDS this month, a federal judge has dismissed a Jewish National Fund lawsuit that targeted the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights for alleged terror connections over its support for BDS.

Sunlight Kills Coronavirus And Bill Gates Wants To Dim The Sun So He Can Sell More Vaccines

Bill Gates Is Crazy Beyond the Point of Being Dangerous


Sunlight renders coronavirus inactive 8 TIMES faster than predicted, says new study

The vast majority of coronavirus particles were rendered inactive within 30 minutes of exposure to midday summer sunlight, whereas the virus could survive for days under winter sunlight.


Why Are 'Experts' Disagreeing With Each Other Over The Covid Vaccine? - Evil Genius Of Preying On Our Fear Of Death

Dr. Ron Paul: The establishment experts are in total disagreement with each other - and often with themselves - over the experimental Covid "vaccine" in our new Guinea Pig World. ...Does it prevent the illness? Lessen the illness? Provide lasting immunity? Temporary immunity? Is it safe for all? So many questions, but so few reliable answers.

Is She Even Capable Of A Relationship?

huMAN: Are people who have a high partner count unable to form LONG-LASTING relationships because they’re used to hookups, or were they never predisposed to commitment in the first place?