8 Apr 2021

Education UK: The Intersection Of Race And Sex

'In 2020, for UK domiciled people, a poor (i.e., FSM) black Caribbean woman was 3.4 times more likely to go to university in the UK than a poor white man. And a poor black African woman was 5.5 times more likely.'

By MRA-UK: The Government’s Independent Report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, published 31 March 2021, has caused a bit of a stir. Have no fear, I’m not about to stray off-topic yet again into the race issue (much). But it is refreshing to see ethnicity factors across various issues addressed with empirical honesty rather than ideological skew. If you didn’t catch Andrew Neil’s interview of Mercy Muroki, one of the team that produced the report, then it’s worth viewing. A Government report which identifies family structure and culture as more important determinants of outcomes than race bears more than passing notice. It  challenges head-on those who have controlled the race narrative until now. Muroki even refers to single parent families as culprits in underperforming offspring – the usual belligerents will be out to get her now, rest assured.

Washington’s Follies Are Dangerous To The Whole World

UPDATE: Martyanov has answered, and it is a scary answer:

“Russia and the United States today are in irreconcilable positions and no dialogue is possible with current US ‘elites’ for a variety of geopolitical, economic, historic and, importantly, moral-ethical reasons.”


Washington’s Follies Are Dangerous to Us [USA] and to the World - It is 1939 all over again

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: A country without a media is lost to the follies of its government, and that is precisely the position of America today.  In the nuclear era, the entire world is at the mercy of Washington’s follies.  At the present moment the incompetent fools that an insouciant American public permits to rule them are preparing nuclear Armageddon by placing offensive missiles on Russia’s border.

Massive Jewish Mossad Paedophile Maxwell Discovery


Prosecutors disclosing 2.7 million pages of evidence in the court case against Mossad's Ghislaine 'Baby Shiksa Shagger' Maxwell, daughter of the infamous British pensions pillager who faked his death before moving to Israel and what might be the deeper meaning behind the evidence.

The Mainstream Worldview Is As Garbage As Mainstream Music And Movies

'That’s really what we’re here for, at this point in history. To help point each other to the truth. To help one another sink our roots into something real. To expose the lies of the mainstream manipulators and show each other what’s really going on.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: I hate the mainstream scoff.

Do you know the mainstream scoff? It’s the scoff people who’ve been indoctrinated into the mainstream worldview make when you say something which falls outside that worldview. Something like “Nothing of substance has changed since the Trump administration.” Or “The west sided with al Qaeda in Syria.” Or “Check out this link to an article from an alternative media outlet.”

It’s any kind of swift, vapid dismissal someone makes when you offer a perspective that isn’t a part of the mainstream perspective, solely on the basis that it is not part of the mainstream perspective. A laugh. A “Pfft!”. A “LOL”. A laugh-cry emoji.

Texas Opened Then Covid Crashed - Fauci Dumbfounded

Dr. Ron Paul: A month after Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced an end to all coronavirus restrictions, covid numbers continue to crash in the state. While Fauci was quick to attack Abbott's move to open Texas, when asked this week why the doom he predicted did not come about he had no answer. Also today: Baseball is back in Texas and vaccine passports are ruled out.