12 Apr 2021

Ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon On Jewish Israel's Covid Scam-Demic

Spread of the so-called ‘British variant’ and the spike in deaths was because of the vaccinations!

Ian Fantom writes: Jewish Israel had gone farther than any other country in mass vaccination and the introduction of vaccination passports. Ex-Jew Atzmon queried how the ‘British variant’ of COVID-19 could have reached The Jews, when international travel had virtually come to a stop. Then, in a series of statistical analyses he shows how the occurrence of the ‘British variant’ increases in the countries where mass vaccinations have taken place. That suggests that the spread of the ‘British variant’ is associated with the vaccinations rather than with the spread of a virus. During the Q&A session the question arose of just how it could be possible for the public to be so accepting. One person talked of the ‘hijacking’ of various organisations and movements. Gilad answered in some detail with his observations of how the Left had largely abandoned its original values and was now more interested in woke issues, and was now even supporting the Right on the issue of the COVID scam-demic.

Important For The Irish People: A Call To Action, 8 Weeks To Reverse The Erosion Of Your Fundamental Human Freedoms

"The Irish government is restricting the most basic human rights of every citizen, such as making it an arrestable offence to leave your home unless you have a government mandated excuse! ...Nothing of worth is ever easy and we owe it to ourselves and our children to do all within our power to regain our fundamental freedoms!" Says Tracey O'Mahony.


ADL [Anti-Defamation League] Defames Tucker Carlson

PCR: The Anti-Defamation League whose purpose is to defame truth-tellers demands that Tucker Carlson “Must Go”.

How is it that a corrupt hypocritical organization is telling Americans who has to go and who can stay? Why do Americans stand for this?

With regard to Palestinians, the ADL clearly does not practice what it preaches.  It is the national policy of Jewish Israel to replace Palestinians with Jews. But Tucker Carlson must not mention that America’s open borders are replacing white Americans with people of color.


‘Tucker Must Go’: ADL Demands Tucker Carlson Be Fired For Discussing ‘Replacement Theory’

By Chris Menahan: Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt on Friday declared that Tucker Carlson “must go” for daring to calmly discuss how Democrats importing voters dilutes the voting power of current American citizens and is a form of disenfranchisement.

Seven More Days Of The Jews' Human Rights Violations

 How was your week? Seven days of Israel human rights violations

The Jews' human rights violations against Palestinian Gentiles continue unabated. (Pictured: A Gentile demonstrator holds a Palestine flag in front of IDF Jewish Israel death forces as part of a protest in West Bank mega concentration camp, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2018)

Not a day goes by during which The Jews' military and/or Jewish land thieves do not commit human rights violations against the Gentile people of Palestine - from abduction and shooting to land theft and home demolition, to rape and paedophilia - Scan 7 days of headlines for a sampling compiled from International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) April 3-9, 2021