14 Apr 2021

Tulsi Gabbard Warns There's Imminent War With Russia + Buckle Up! Orwells UK Today - Nuclear War Looks Inevitable!

"US is aiming thousands of nuclear weapons at Russia. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons aimed towards us that could hit any town or city in America within 30 minutes and exact a cost upon every one of us that will result in excruciating death and suffering beyond comprehension, hundreds of millions of people dying! ...It will bring about the end of the world as we know it! 

...If Biden doesn't stop escalating, it's not a question of if we go to war with Russia, if this war ends up with a nuclear holocaust, it really is a question of when and it could happen a lot sooner than any of us think."

Said US Congresswoman & army Major Tulsi Gabbard.

‘We Were Creating A Story - Our Focus Was To Get Trump Out’: CNN Director Busted By Undercover Veritas Operative

“There's COVID fatigue so, [CNN’s] going to start focusing mainly on climate. Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right? Without saying it, that's what it was, right? So, our next thing is going to be climate change.”

By Tyler Durden: A technical director for CNN made the grave error of sitting down with a (probably hot) undercover female journalist from Project Veritas, to whom he admitted that the network "got Trump out" with their coverage, and that he "100% believe(s) that if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out."

"I came to CNN because I wanted to be part of that," added the director, Charlie Chester.

He then explained how the network engaged in propaganda to 'create a story' about Trump vs. Biden.

"[Trump’s] hand was shaking or whatever, I think. We brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation -- that he was neurologically damaged, and he was losing it. He's unfit to -- you know, whatever. We were creating a story there that we didn't know anything about.

Aeneid Against Rhome & Trojan Women Burning Ships To Found Rome

The Aeneid, Virgil’s Latin epic of Trojan survivors establishing a new kingdom in central Italy, has been central to Rome’s imaginative foundation for more than two thousand years. The Aeneid draws thematically and stylistically on Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Widely known and revered in Virgil’s Mediterranean world, those Homeric epics say nothing about Rome’s founding. However, non-Homeric Greek epic apparently told of the woman Rhome leading other Trojan women in burning Trojan ships. These women’s ship-burning caused the founding of a city named after Rhome. In the context of that epic account of Rome’s founding, the Aeneid poignantly depicts an escape from men’s impotence in relation to women’s power.

A Guide To Home Based Covid Treatment

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Many medical practioners cannot think outside the Big Pharma boxIf you can’t find a doctor capable of independent thought, use this treatment guide: https://aapsonline.org/CovidPatientTreatmentGuide.pdf