26 Apr 2021

Feminism Ruins Sport - Professor Janice Fiamengo

"Feminists' version of social constructionism opens the door for trans women to annihilate female athletes almost completely.”

Americans Have Traded God For Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury And Buggery ~ And Biden Loves It

Fr. Joseph Gleason, editor of website "Russian Faith" explains America's predicament

By Mark Dankof: It goes without saying that Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith is making his mark in the world for the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ.  His theological journey has finally taken him into the priesthood of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Geographically, the journey he and his family have embarked upon has taken them from the United States to Russia and a place called Rostov-The-Great.  His is a story worth following on an ongoing basis.  I sense his personal odyssey may prove larger in history than he or anyone else imagines right now.

His most recent entry on the Russian Faith website is entitled, “Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America:  Do You Feel The Walls Closing In?” This marvelous piece is 5,050 words long.  My succinct initial response to his labors before even reading the essay itself was–and is–a simple “Yes.” I do not come to this conclusion quickly or without study and engagement. Since 9-11, I have set aside most of the rest of my life to attempt to bring the people of America to an awareness of how late the hour is, and the perilous state of both individual souls and a collective people that has turned its back on God in favor of an Empire built on narcissism, militarism, usury, and sodomy.

The Fate Of The Peoples Of The World + White Civilization Has Renounced Itself In Favor Of Barbarism

'White peoples have lost confidence from decades of indoctrination against themselves by white intellectuals and Jewish cultural Marxists.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: This article is not about global warming, nuclear war, Covid or some other plague orchestrated or real.  It is about the confidence of peoples of the world.

Of all the peoples the white ethnicities of the Western World have the poorest outlook.  The reason is the white peoples have lost confidence from decades of indoctrination against themselves by white intellectuals and Jewish cultural Marxists.  Today the governments in the US, Canada, UK, and Western Europe give preference to people of color, including illegal immigrants, over the native born white ethnicities who are facing replacement in their own countries.  As long ago as the 1970s Jean Raspail could see the collapse in white confidence and told its consequences in his novel, The Camp of the Saints.  The novel is so correctly descriptive of our time that the novel is essentially banned from public discussion, and the demonization of Raspail is underway.

Maturity Is Discovering How Everything You Believe Is A Lie

By Caitlin Johnstone: You get your first taste of it when you’re little. You find your Christmas presents in your parents’ closet in early December, or maybe some older kid just tells you that Santa Claus isn’t real.

What the hell? What the hell is this? Some freaky psyop run by your parents, just for kicks? And all the other parents are in on it too? And Hollywood? All those movies and TV specials about Santa were just lies? How far does this go?

What is this strange reality?

Ah well. We’ve all got to grow up sometime. From now on you only believe in real stuff, like the Tooth Fairy.

Thus begins a maturing process of discovering the various ways you’ve been deceived about what’s real which, hopefully, continues for the rest of your life.