14 May 2021

Putin Calls Gaza Crisis "Direct Threat" To Russia's Security Interests; Shabbos Goy Merkel Condemns Anti-Israel Protests

After the recent 'Bibi Youth' rampages through Jerusalem calling for "Death To All Goyim And Shiksas" and attacking all Gentiles in sight, the Jewish Green Shirts have now murdered at least 130 Palestinians, including more than 30 little children, and over 1,000 Gentiles have been wounded by the Jews since Monday, while six Jews have died from retaliations by the Gentile freedom fighters.

Against this backdrop loony Shebbos Goy Merkel issued a controversial pro-Zio-Jew anti-democratic statement to the German people"Our democracy will not stand for anti-Semitic rallies."

By Tyler Durden: At a moment the United States is blocking a UN Security Council meeting and statement on Gaza, delaying it further to next week given Israel shows no signs that it's ready for ceasefire talks following an earlier overture from Palestinian freedom fighters, multiple world leaders have issued their own statements demanding "urgent de-escalation" and have called for ceasefire, particularly French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

MUST WATCH: What's Happening In Gaza & The Jew Occupied Territories Of Palestine - With Beeley & Dimmack

The US, UK and EU funded psychopathic genocidal colonialist terrorist Zionist Jews' regime is "mowing the lawn" again!

Vanessa Beeley: My interview last night with Gordon Dimmack, covering events in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian territories - the tide is turning against the Zionist entity. A few important citations that I mentioned and others that are relevant: Background to the Sheikh Jarrah communities, being ethnically cleansed by Israel: "In the aftermath of the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians known as “Nakba”, around 750,000 Palestinians were forced to flee their homes to neighbouring countries. Following these events, 28 families (today they are 38) families settled in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem in 1956. They reached an agreement with the Jordanian Ministry of Construction and Development and the UN refugee agency UNRWA to provide housing for them in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood...

The New Abnormal And The Conflicted Mind Of Joe Normie

Computing Forever

"Some outside time for the inmates until October until they're all locked down again. An acceptance of subjugation and a general acceptance and believing of the lame stream media that I would never have expected."

Biden's Ukraine Scandal


"Biden is an idiot owned by the deep state who will go along with any war they want. The first thing he did as president was to bomb Syria and threaten both China and Russia."