24 May 2021

16 Minute Video Explains Why You Should Not Take The Jab


Coexistence In Jews' ‘Mixed Cities’ Was Always An Illusion

Bibi "The Baby Butcher" and other Jewish leaders remain silent about the waves of greater violence against Gentiles, both from armed Jewish police and armed self-proclaimed Jewish "Nazi" gangs of 'The Bibi Youth'.

 Attacks on synagogues and archeological sites inside occupied Palestine are rooted in Gentile citizens’ experience of weaponized ‘development’ for Jews only.

 In the Last month alone more than 200 Gentile people and more than 60 little Gentile children and babies have been murdered by The Jews' laser guided airstrikes.

By Jonathan Cook: Last weekend Jewish Israel prime minister Bibi "The Baby Butcher" Netanyahu described as “terrorists” those Palestinian citizens who have been protesting decades of state-sponsored discrimination. Vowing that “anyone who acts like a terrorist will be handled like one”, he said: “Arab law-breakers are attacking Jews, burning synagogues and Jewish homes.”

The Baby Butcher has been far from alone in his denunciations of nearly two weeks of protests inside occupied Palestine by the fifth the population who are Christian and Muslim Palestinians by origin. They are the remnants of the Palestinian people, most of whom were ethnically cleansed by The Jews at Israel’s founding in 1948.

Only 6 Men Out Of 1000 Are Dumb Enough To Get Married

You can thank Agendas 21 & 2030, Feminists and your unfit virtue signalling governments and judiciary for that.

Never cohabitate with a woman, never even let her stay the night, because in many states and countries around the world that entitles women to take your kids and money! There's no bonus to getting married, but there are punishments.

"There are literally zero reasons [for men] to get married any more." Said Better Bachelor.

The Inner Workings Of A Coronavirus From A Passionate Virologist - Jennifer Smith PhD, US Occupied Hawaii

Vejon Health: The most powerful tools in this pandemic are found in scientists with a passion. Jennifer Smith PhD has been focused on the coronavirus in animals for many years and has a good understanding of how they work. Our intention is to explore COVID-19 through these expert eyes. These words capture this determination - "Even before I attended college, I enjoyed reading about prions, Ebola virus and 1918 influenza. I wanted to be a virus hunter. I wanted to go to the jungles of Africa and find the natural host of Ebola Virus. Instead I ended up working with chickens." Join us as we also explore how to understand PCR and I challenge her expertise with my clinical observations and research into COVID-19.

Ex-Jew Talking To Zio-Jews

"Israel is a state, Palestine is the country."

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: A few weeks ago I was approached by an ultra Zionist Jew from Jerusalem named Lowell Joseph Gallin who invited me to give a talk at his online conference next year. I warned Lowell that I probably won’t fit with his agenda. Lowell insisted that he was familiar with my work and welcomed the challenge. I suggested that we conduct an early zoom session. I expected to be interrupted and abused. Surprisingly, the talk and the Q&A went smoothly. Unlike my foes within the Zionist circles and the so called Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists, the Zionists in the (zoom) room kept quiet and attentive. - I actually believe in free speech and open dialogue.