The Truth About Slavery

Don’t look for it in black studies programs

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Was slavery a wrong or an inherited institution?

Did slavery originate in the English colonies in North America in the 17th century or do its origins go back before the time of recorded history?

Is slavery racist or is it based on economic motive?

If a person wants understanding, these are important questions.

But if a person wants to engage others in emotion for the purpose of gaining preferment and its rewards, money and power, or simply to enjoy the self-righteousness of moral denunciation of one’s fellows, these questions are in the way.  The fact that these questions are never asked and are not a part of black studies programs in universities or the New York Times’ fake history project–the 1619 Project–is conclusive evidence that today slavery is an emotive word used to demonize white people and to bring preferment to black people.

Slavery is presented to American school children as something that white people did to black people.  Therefore, white people are racists and must pay in some way for the slavery of black people that ended in the US 156 years ago.

James Corbett On The Delingpod​

Corbett: In today’s edition of The Redpill Series, James Corbett talks to James Delingpole, an ex-MSM journalist who has taken the red pill in the past year and a half and is now engaged in a series of conversations he never expected to be having on his Delingpod podcast. This is one of them.

Tucker Carlson: "That Was A Lie" Sleazy Dishonest Fauci Deserves To Be Under 'Criminal Investigation'

"Fauci was just another sleazy federal bureaucrat - deeply political and often dishonest..."

By Tyler Durden: Fox News' Tucker Carlson ripped "the utter fraudulence of Tony Fauci" Wednesday night, after BuzzFeed and the Washington Post obtained thousands of pages of emails through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, revealing that the nation's top virologist was telling the public one thing, while furiously working on damage control and narrative-shaping as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded.

According to Carlson, Americans assumed "that the man in charge of protecting the US from COVID must be rational and impressive," adding "We also assumed he must be honest. But we were wrong.

"It soon became clear that Tony Fauci was just another sleazy federal bureaucrat - deeply political and often dishonest. More shocking than that we then learned that Fauci himself was implicated in the very pandemic he'd been charged with fighting."

"Fauci supported the grotesque and dangerous experiments that appeared to have made COVID possible." -Tucker Carlson

“Dying For An iPhone”

The suffering of the working class, within and outside the US, is as ignored by our corporatized media as the suffering of the Palestinians and is one of the most important human rights issues of our era.

By Chris Hedges: Global capitalists have turned back the clock to the early days of the Industrial Revolution.  The working class is increasingly bereft of rights, blocked from forming unions, paid starvation wages, subject to wage theft, under constant surveillance, fired for minor infractions, exposed to dangerous carcinogens, forced to work overtime, given punishing quotas and abandoned when they are sick and old. Workers have become, here and abroad, disposable cogs to corporate oligarchs, who wallow in obscene personal wealth that dwarfs the worst excesses of the Robber Barons.

In fashionable liberal circles there are, as Noam Chomsky notes, worthy and unworthy victims. Nancy Pelosi has called on global leaders not to attend the Winter Olympics, scheduled to be held in Beijing in February, because of what she called a “genocide” being carried out by the Chinese government against the Uyghur minority.

Ivermectin And COVID-19: Too Controversial!

Vejon Health: Short clip from our recent international scientific forum looking at Ivermectin use across the world.