5 Jun 2021

When The Jews Murder Gentile Doctors

“He was a kind man.”

He was a doctor who people trusted a lot.”

By Isra Saleh el-Namey: Dr. Ayman Abu al-Ouf had finished a busy shift.

He wrapped it up by checking on patients with COVID-19 in the intensive care unit of al-Shifa hospital.

As head of internal medicine at the hospital, he was acutely aware that the panned-demic had not been paused. Rather, the number of coronavirus infections remained high even though Gaza was in the news internationally due to another emergency – a large-scale Israeli attack.

Not long after he got home from work, the building where Abu al-Ouf lived was bombed without warning.

He, his wife Reem and two of their children – Tawfiq and Tala – were killed. So were both his parents and many members of his extended family.

“Big shock”

Dr. Ghada Nasser was a colleague of Ayman Abu al-Ouf. She had accompanied him as he checked on patients that evening.

The Covid Scam-Demic Is An Orchestration To Achieving An Elite Agenda Unknown To Ordinary People - 'Evil Is Evil'

Mike Whitney’s article below gives us much to think about.

“All is not lost, the unconquerable will… and the courage never to submit or yield.” — John Milton

By Mike Whitney: Have you given any thought to the strange events of the last 15 months?

Have you wondered why so many countries adopted the same policies that had never been used before and had no scientific foundation? Have you wondered why effective ‘life-saving’ medications and therapies were actively and aggressively suppressed? Have you wondered why world-renowned scientists, virologists and epidemiologists were banned on YouTube and Twitter and removed from Facebook? Have you wondered why all of the cable news channels and print-media covered daily developments with the same breathless hysteria as their competitors?

It’s very hard to look back on the events of the last 15 months and not suspect that there is more to this Covid story than meets the eye; that while the infection does, in fact, kill mostly older people with multiple underlying conditions, that, perhaps, the virus has been used to promote a political agenda of which we know very little.

Biden To Confront Putin With Human Rights Issue...

The US government is the leading abuser of human rights. Think Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the balkanization of democratic Christian Cyprus, the overthrown Latin American democratic governments and Washington’s protection of The Jews' genocide of the Gentile Palestinians. On an individual basis think Julian Assange who Washington has managed to keep imprisoned for a decade without charges for daring to report the truth.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The American whore media with a straight face reports that Biden intends to confront Putin at their meeting with “the human rights issue.”  One can only marval at the audacity of this intention.  The US government is the leading abuser of human rights.  Think Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the overthrown Latin American democratic governments, and Washington’s protection of Jewish Israel’s genocide of the Gentile Palestinians. - On an individual basis think Julian Assange who Washington has managed to keep imprisoned for a decade without charges presented in court and conviction.  Even Stalin gave his victims performa due process.

Covid Cash-In Concert ~ Terminator Drones On

"Terminator Style Killer Drones Attacked On Their Own! ...We Push The Go Button And It Goes And Finds And Kills You! This is the future we're goose-stepping into."