1 Jul 2021

Shameless Big Pharma Shill Fauci: "There Are Now Two Americas, The Vaccinated & The Unvaccinated"

....completely ignoring the science on superior natural immunity again

Authored by Steve Watson: America’s favourite Chinese lab funding coronavirus doomonger doctor Anthony Fauci announced Tuesday that there are now two Americas, a vaccinated America and an unvaccinated America.

In an appearance on Dom Lemon’s CNN panic hour, Fauci declared that “When you have such a low level of vaccination super-imposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among under-vaccinated regions, states, cities or counties you’re going to see these individual types of blips. It’s almost like it’s going to be two Americas.”

“You’re going to have areas where vaccination rate is high, where more than 70% of the population received at least one dose,” he continued, adding “When you compare that to areas where you may have 35% of the people vaccinated, you clearly have a high risk of seeing these spikes in those selected areas.”

Jewish Israel’s Years-Long Recruitment Of African American Christians: A Case Study

For many decades, The Jews have worked to recruit US Christians to support the anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israel, despite the Jews orchestrated slaughter of over 100,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians and Jewish Israel’s dispossession and oppression of Palestinian Christians during its founding war and in the years since. Even before Jewish Israel was established in 1948, there were major efforts to recruit Christians to the Zionist-Jewish cause.

Many Christian Americans (and Jewish Americans) initially opposed the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, which would entail the ethnic cleansing of a land whose population was 95 percent non-Christian. The movement to establish Israel, “political zionism,” formed front groups to overcome this opposition by targeting Americans of all religions and political backgrounds and flooding them with propaganda. There are even indications that the Scofield Bible, which influenced millions of evangelicals to support Israel, was procured by Zionists.

Cultural Marxism = Feminism And Critical Race Theory: The Death Sentence For White America

'Alleged US “exceptionalism” is belied by the US teaching its soldiers, the main fighting component of which consists of white males, that they are racist, misogynist pigs who oppress and abuse women and blacks.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: For the left, free speech was simply a means to gain power. The left claimed free speech for their subversive intentions. Now that they have achieved control on what can be said, denying freedom of speech to the rest of us is the way they control the narrative.

It is extraordinary that big business, long championed by conservatives and libertarians—the main groups whose speech is censored and suppressed often with lost of employment—is in league with the left in using censorship to control what Americans hear and think and in requiring white employees to submit to indoctrination that they are racists and must step aside for the black people they have oppressed.

Censorship KILLS

Censorship is the product of an illiberal, anti-science, authoritarian mindset. Censorship kills because decision-making is distorted...

Authored by Barry Brownstein: Whenever I write an essay critical of expert opinion on Covid, I immediately receive indignant replies. Some assume I must be a bleach-drinking supporter of President Trump. Others label me a dangerous libertarian since, in their view, I challenge the “best” source of expert opinion.

Among my critics are well-meaning people who see no alternative but to follow the policy prescriptions of their favored experts. They do not see they are on the path of illiberal, anti-science, authoritarian thinking that is endangering the well-being of so many people today.

Karl Popper helps us understand why an “authoritarian attitude to the problem of human knowledge” hinders scientific progress. His essay “On the So-Called Sources of Knowledge” appears in his collection In Search of a Better World.

"Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant - Identical CFR To Influenza

'Delta is literally the flu with a CFR identical to it. This is exactly what every respiratory pandemic has done through history: morphed into more transmissible and less virulent form that forces the other mutations out since you get that one. ...the U.K. data show that, to the extent there were deaths due to the Delta variant, there were more fatalities among those already vaccinated.'

By Tyler Durden: Equity futures are in the red Wednesday morning as Dr. Anthony Fauci's warnings about the supposedly "dire threat" posed by the Delta variant continue to be dramatically amplified by the American media.

Yesterday, we delved into the issue of the Delta variant as daily COVID cases reported in the US ticked higher after touching their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic. The data set off another round of warnings about the relatively large swath of Americans who refuse to get the vaccine.