5 Jul 2021

Floire Et Blancheflor: Roman Idyllique From Ancient Greek Romance

parents holding Floire and Blancheflor

“For your love,
Blancheflor will also be taught.”
 Douglas Galbi
Sexual symmetry distinguishes ancient Greek romance from other classical literature. For example, Longus’s ancient Greek romance Daphnis and Chloe tells of two adolescents who grow up together and come to love each other. She’s a shepherd, and he’s a goatherd. While not dogmatically identical, Chloe and Daphnis are sexually symmetric in social status, emotional response, instrumental activity, life experiences, and their valuation of each other’s lives. Daphnis and Chloe and other ancient Greek romances are rare, classical works showing meninist concern for gender equality. The twelfth-century romance Floire et Blancheflor apparently drew upon ancient Greek romance.[1] Widely distributed and adapted in medieval Europe, Floire et Blancheflor supported an idyllic vision of gender equality. That vision, so painfully missing from modern gender orthodoxy, deserves to be disseminated and nurtured.

COVID Injections Will Reduce Lifespan

Why are lifesaving early treatment of Covid by HCQ and Ivermectin suppressed? And other questions

Why are the toxic side effects and death rates of the vaccines being suppressed?

Why are entire continents being coerced into taking a vaccine that is both medically unnecessary and unproven in terms of safety and effectiveness?

For answers to these questions read:

By Joseph Mercola: In this interview, return guest Dr. Vladimir Zelenko discusses an incredibly serious concern, one shared with at least two other highly credible experts — Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, and professor Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV.

Yeadon, Montagnier and Zelenko all believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots. In fact, there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years, as a result of pathogenic priming.1,2

Happy “Independence” Day: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

'How do you deal with all mass media outlets collaborating in unison to black out important stories?'
By Caitlin Johnston:Today America celebrates its hard-fought victory in its fight to free itself from the rule of British monarchs so it could be ruled by US oligarchs.

Hollywood trained us to fear psychopathic killers prowling around in the dark so we won’t notice the psychopathic killers who rule our world in broad daylight.

We’ve been trained to fear the serial killer covered in blood and wielding a chainsaw so we won’t notice the serial killer wearing a suit and wielding a pen.

The Jews, The Holohoax, The Nakba And The Polish Law

As long as I am the prime minister, Poland will not pay The Jews: Neither zloty, nor euro, nor dollar.” ...Israel claims to represent Jews' demands for restitution in Poland. Shouldn’t the same rule be applied to the Palestinian Gentiles?

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: Jewish anti-Gentile apartheid regime 'Israel' seems upset by a new Polish law that sets a 30-year deadline for Jews to recover seized property. The legislation is yet to be approved by Poland’s senate, yet Jewish officials already refer to it as the “Holocaust law.” They insist that it is ‘immoral’ and ‘a disgrace.’

Last week Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid insisted that the bill “is a disgrace that will not erase the horrors or the memory of the Holocaust.” ...I fail to see which part of the legislation interferes with the memory and the horrors of the holocaust. I actually think that the crude attempt to squeeze billions of dollars from Poland in the name of a human tragedy may have a detrimental impact on this historical chapter and the way it is memorized.