Has Your Pay Gone Up By 23% Over The Past Year? If Not You're Rapidly Losing Ground - Ready For $50 Hamburgers?

'Everyone could see this coming from a mile away, but our leaders just can’t help themselves. Whenever a major crisis comes along, their only answer is to create, borrow and spend more money.'

Authored by Michael Snyder: After decades of living in a relatively low inflation environment, it is hard for most Americans to believe that things have gotten so bad so quickly.  In fact, even though I write about this stuff almost every day, it is hard for me to believe it.  We are watching prices spiral out of control all over the nation, and we know precisely who is to blame.  During the pandemic, our politicians in Washington have been borrowing and spending money at an unprecedented rate, and this has pushed our national debt up to 28 trillion dollars.  Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has been pumping trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system, and this has resulted in the Fed balance sheet nearly doubling over the course of this pandemic. I have used the term “economic malpractice” to describe what our leaders are doing, but it is actually far worse than that.

The “New Outbreak” Is 99.5% Among The Vaccinated Only!

Dr. PCR: According to Dr. Jeremy McAnulty reporting on NSW Channel 9, Australia, at the 6:36 mark in the video, of 141 Covid patients in hospital “all but one are vaccinated, one person has only received one dose of vaccine.”  Unless Dr. McAnulty misspoke, the facts do not fit the propaganda.

If Dr. McAnulty did not misspeak, there seems to be conclusive evidence that the “new outbreak” is the direct result of vaccination. In other words, those hospitalized as Covid patients are suffering vaccine reactions!

Unvaccinated Students Will Not Be Able To Attend Lectures Under UK Government '666 Mark Of The Beast' Plans

“Like something out of Huxley’s Brave New World where people with vaccine passports will be engineered into social hierarchies”
Authored by Steve Watson: The UK Government is considering banning students who have not been fully vaccinated with two shots from attending lectures in person, effectively denying them their education for not taking the vaccine, according to reports.

The London Times reports that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is reportedly “raging” at the fact that young people are not taking the vaccine en mass, is preparing to force students to get the shots in return for unfettered access to their lectures.

Students would also face compulsory vaccinations if they want to live in halls of residence, according to the report.

Majority Of Hospitalised Covid Patients In UK Only Tested Positive After Admission: Leaked NHS Data

The currently published data leads the public and the government "towards false conclusions" which exaggerate the true level of pressure on the UK medical system. "That is what I find despicable" said NHS data expert

By Tyler Durden: Over half of those hospitalized with Covid-19 in the UK only tested positive after admission - suggesting that "vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing," according to The Telegraph, citing leaked government figures.

The takeaway? Oft-cited statistics published daily may far overstate Covid hospitalizations - and consequently, pressures on the National Health Service (NHS).

The leaked data – covering all NHS trusts in England – show that, as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid had tested positive by the time they were admitted.