27 Aug 2021

End Of Covid mRNA Gene Therapy Jab Debate - Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than mRNA Jabs v Delta

Dear sheeple, Dr. Anthony "Big Pharma Jizz Gurgler" Fauci and the rest of President Biden's Big Pharma shill COVID advisors have been proven wrong about "the science" of COVID mRNA gene therapy faux-vaccines yet again.

By Tyler Durden: After telling Americans that vaccines offer better protection than natural infection, a new study out of Jew occupied Palestine suggests the opposite is true: natural infection offers a much better shield against the delta variant than vaccines.

The study was described by Bloomberg as "the largest real-world analysis comparing natural immunity - gained from an earlier infection - to the protection provided by one of the most potent vaccines currently in use." A few days ago, we noted how remarkable it was that the mainstream press was finally giving voice to scientists to criticize President Biden's push to start doling out booster jabs. Well, this study further questions the credibility of relying on vaccines, given that the study showed that the vaccinated were ultimately 13x as likely to be infected as those who were infected previously, and 27x more likely to be symptomatic.

Alex Berenson, a science journalist who has repeatedly questioned the efficacy of vaccines and masks at preventing COVID, touted the study as enough to "end any debate over vaccines v natural immunity."

The Vaccinated Are Most Vulnerable To Delta Admits Jewish Anti-Gentile Regime's PM Bennett With Bullshit Excuses

Ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: In a clumsy move, however genuine, Jewish Israel's PM Naftali Bennett admitted today that it is the vaccinated who are most vulnerable to Delta, not the unvaccinated as some Western media outlets insist. Bennett urged the vaccinated to apply for a booster ASAP. Text: "A very important point which the (israeli) public must internalise, yet most people fail to understand: the most vulnerable people, as paradoxically as it may seem, are those who had the 2 jabs but not yet the 3rd one, and why? Because they walk around believing they are protected due to the 2 doses they already had. They fail to understand that the 2nd jab has waned against the Delta. hence it is a matter of great urgency to get the 3rd shot (booster)"

A Gentleman’s Guide: Book Review

While a gentleman might not be greatly aroused by the spectre of global warming, it has been observed that he will not neglect to take any measures necessary to ensure the comfort of his hunting hounds.”

By MRA-UK: This book is rather wonderful. It is a book whose time has come. It will be hard for the gender-fluid denizens of Wokeville to believe that a work so fearlessly Incorrect can still be written. Its true nature will be entirely beyond their grasp. Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.

The delight of the book for me is its sly humour. A gentleman, I dare say, should be willing – on occasion, but judiciously – to deploy such humour in the service of matters of deadly seriousness. So it is here. Anyone wishing to cock their own particular snook at the relentlessly Correct could learn from this masterly example…such as,

Truckies Plan Australian Blockade - #NewWorldNextWeek


Story #1: FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine


FDA Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Vaccine, Critics Blast Agency


Two Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine

From Vaccinated To Unvaccinated: How People Can Wake Up

In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
-George Orwell.

"Apparently the human immune system became redundant after 2020 for some reason. The public are being conditioned to accept periodic state sanctioned and mandatory medication in order to be permitted to take part in society. ...It's the gamification of our lives. When your vaccine status expires, you lose your freedoms and privileges again. A new vaccine booster update allows you to re-unlock your freedoms."

-Computing Forever.