3 Sept 2021

"The Castration Of Whiteness": Duquesne Professor Under Fire After White Suicide Lecture

“White people should commit suicide as an ethical act.” Psychology professor Derek Hook

Authored by Jonathan Turley: While Johnny Mandel sang “suicide is painless,” it is apparently also ethical. Duquesne University Psychology professor Derek Hook is under fire this week after arguing in class that white people may find that the ethical option for the dismantling of white culture is suicide. As will likely come as little surprise to many on this blog, I oppose calls for Hook’s termination as a matter of academic freedom.

In a class to Baltimore-based American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work in June available on Twitter, Hook used a quote by South African philosophy professor, Terblanche Delport, that “White people should commit suicide as an ethical act.” Delport was discussing the movement for equality in South Africa. Delport stated:

“If the goal is to dismantle white supremacy, and white supremacy is white culture … then the goal has to be to dismantle white culture and ultimately white people themselves. The total integration into Africa by white people will also automatically then mean the death of white people as white as a concept would not exist anymore.”

Erin Pizzey Celebration Dinner: Tickets Now Available

This November will be the 50th anniversary of Erin Pizzey’s opening of the world’s first refuge for battered women, in Chiswick in 1971.

By MRA-UK: A celebration dinner is to be held on Saturday 20th November in Twickenham, London. The event is open to all well-wishers who want to take this unique opportunity of meeting Erin and help celebrate her achievements by joining us at this dinner. Members of the public who wish to join us to mark this anniversary – and Erin’s work since – can do so by ticket entry.

Buy tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/erin-pizzey-chiswick-refuge-50-years-celebration-tickets-167420042855. When they’re gone, they’re gone (the venue is not huge).

A ticket gets you a 3-course sit-down dinner in elegant surroundings. I expect some people will say a few words – perhaps lots of words. Entry from 6pm, bar until late.

The Unintended Consequences Of COVID-9/11

'Policies of collective action under the rubric of the State, defined as that entity with the power to point guns at people to enforce their edicts, always result in these unintended consequences.'

Authored by Tom Luongo: One of the fundamental problems of central planning of any kind is what we systemic thinkers call the ‘Law of Unintended Consequences.’ It’s not really a law but it should be.

You know you’re dealing with an ‘unintended consequence’ of a policy when the politicians, bankers, regulators and their apologists in the media say something like, "well, you know, no one could have foreseen {fill in the blank}.”

A Conversation With Doctor Anne McCloskey

"There never was a crisis in care.

...It was always about the jab!"