5 Sept 2021

Gaza Mega Concentration Camp’s Children: Innocence Lost

Gentile children describe their experiences during and after The Jews’ bombing of Gaza
May 10 to May 21, 2021.

Film by Dr. Iman Farajallah, Producer and Director

IAK: The purpose of this film was to explore and elevate voices to Gazan children who have survived the violence of war and who continue to suffer today, all while trying to understand and accept what happened to them.

Jeremy Corbyn, John Pilger & Stella Moris Speak Out For Julian Assange

acTVism Munich: British politician Jeremy Corbyn, journalist John Pilger and Assange's fiancée Stella Moris speak out for Julian Assange. These videos were produced and released by the Don't Extradite Assange campaign on August 11, 2021.