5 Oct 2021

Picnic Protests Sweep The World!

Corbett: Yet another way of protesting the incoming vaxx passport agenda: picnicking. Join James for this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch where he looks at how we can render the vaccine mandate debate moot when we stop begging for scraps from the would-be ruler's table and build a table of our own.

Western Governments Have Proven Their Complicity In The Destruction Of Their Own Peoples

Covid mRNA gene therapy - 'a substance that has by far the worst record in vaccine history of association with death and serious lifelong health injury. The record of Covid “vaccine” worse than aggregate of all previous vaccines.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Dear Readers, I cannot protect you if you don’t read the information.  If you decide you prefer to live and do read the information below, ask yourselves this question:

Why do people with no legislative power—employers such as the Nazis at Ochsner Health System in Louisiana, school boards, university administrators, restaurant managers and owners, airlines, any employer, governors, mayors, hospitals—think they have the power to violate the Nuremberg laws and coerce patients, students, employees and their spouses,  and everyone else to accept injections with a substance that has by far the worst record in vaccine history of association with death and serious lifelong health injury? Indeed, the record of the Covid “vaccine” is worse than all previous vaccines added together.

Palestinians Will Always Punch Holes In The Anti-Gentile Jewish Israel Regime’s "Apartheid Walls"

'The determination to resist the colonizer’s effort to exterminate them.'

Palestinians in Gaza City hold up spoons as a sign of solidarity with the six men who escaped from Gilboa, the Israeli prison. Ashraf Amra APA image

By Ahmed Abu Artema: When indigenous people are outpowered by a colonial enemy, the only weapon they have left is that of determination.

The determination to resist the colonizer’s effort to exterminate them.

This has happened repeatedly in history. It’s happening again in Palestine, where people are resisting the Zionist colonial project.

Power is grossly skewed in Israel’s favor.

The so-called international community, led by the US, provides Israel with unconditional political, military and economic support. Israel’s material superiority enables it to control the lives of Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and thwart any resistance they attempt.

‘Psychedelic Renaissance’ Is Entirely About Corporate Greed

'If psychedelics were anything other than a threat to the status quo they wouldn’t have been banned for half a century and the CIA would still be dosing the public with LSD.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: “Money has begun flowing into companies intending to monetize psychedelic therapy as new research has increasingly shown that blowing one’s mind can alter it for the better,” reads a new article for the Los Angeles Times titled “Money is pouring into psychedelics. Meet the mystical hedge fund investor bankrolling the boom.”

“This scientific and commercial excitement rests on research showing that psychedelics can supercharge mental health treatment for PTSD, depression, anxiety, addiction, and other chronic ailments of the mind, enabling patients to dive deep, confront their traumas and — a rarity for mental illnesses — return healed,” the article reads.