21 Oct 2021


'My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.'

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Below is an extremely important analysis by a high level expert that explains and documents the engineering of the gain of function Covid virus driven by Tony Fauci and the engineered “vaccine” which is not a real vaccine but a concoction designed to produce endless variants of the virus, health injuries, deaths, infertility, and the injection of metallic markers for control purposes. This is not a conspiracy theory in the sense used by the media meaning that it is false. What the explanation does is to reveal a conspiracy against humanity. This long article is the true explanation of what is being done to us.

Ever since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the media has used “conspiracy theory” to discredit every explanation that challenges, contradicts, or disapproves an official narrative. This trick has blinded not only many Americans, but also people throughout the Western world to what is happening to them.

This long article explains what the engineered virus and vaccine are doing to us. What can we do about it? I do not know. The people seem to be powerless. Experts who blow the whistle and tell the truth are censored and discredited, threatened, fired, lose their medical licenses. Such police state measures used against experts for expressing a contrary opinion to the official narrative are the heart of all dystopian novels such as Orwell’s 1984.

Dr. Rand Paul Was Right...Fauci Lied + Biden's Mad Mandate Is Ripping The USA To Shreds

Dr. Ron Paul: In a letter to a Member of Congress yesterday the Principle Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health admitted that his agency - contrary to Fauci's claims - did fund gain-of-function research on bats and viruses. Over to you, Fauci... Also today: "Boosters! Get yer boosters here! All ages, all sizes!" And...DeSantis stands up to the tyrant heading the DoJ (sic).

Amazon And Google: Partners In The Jews' Apartheid Regime

Amazon and Google aren’t just doing business with the racist anti-Gentile Jews. Through Project Nimbus, they are actively helping to build and improve the technological infrastructure that the Jews' apartheid regime Israel needs to oppress the indigenous Gentiles.

By Jonathan Cook: The best-selling Irish novelist Sally Rooney is openly shunning Israel after recent reports from human rights groups warned that Israel practices apartheid, systematically oppressing indigenous Gentiles under its colonialist rule.

But while Israel risks becoming a pariah among some cultural producers, it is being aggressively embraced by globe-spanning corporations like Amazon and Google – among the wealthiest companies in history.

The two tech giants are not just lining up to do business with Israel. They are actively working to build and improve the technological infrastructure the Zo-Jews  need to surveil Palestinians and confine them to the ghettos the Jews have created for them.

The Empire Of Lies Breaks Down: Ugly Truths The Deep State Wants To Keep Hidden

This is madness, yet there is a method to this madness... This is how freedom falls and tyranny rises...

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - Albert Einstein

Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead: America is breaking down.

This breakdown - triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment) - is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.

Modern Woman Manifest Mindset Madness

Kevin Samuels: This is an example of a very "dangerous" mindset that is far too prevalent among the social media generation. Doesn’t she sound like the “Hey Big Head” person? Bundle B doesn’t want “average” like her father?

How Bad Is The Political Situation In Australia Right Now?

Things are upside down ‘Down Under’, but just how bad is the political situation in Australia at the moment?

George Galloway: Things are upside down ‘Down Under’, but just how bad is the political situation in Australia at the moment? A state premier forced to resign due to allegations of bribery; sex scandals in the parliament house itself, and of course, there is the matter of the reneging on a deal with the French. Who better to ask on board the Sputnik to dissect all of this, than retired professor and distinguished research fellow Steve Keen.