New Reformed Church Resource Focuses On Justice For Palestinians Being Persecuted By The Zio-Jews

“The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in its commitment to justice seeks to lift up the cries of the Palestinian people to draw attention to the abuses and atrocities that are faced by Palestinians on a daily basis. We hope that this resource will be used by churches to have a deeper understanding of the Palestinian question and its global implications.”

By Phil Tanis: The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has responded to a call from the Palestinian Christian community by producing Focus: Palestine, a comprehensive resource that lifts up their voices while placing the situation into theological, historical, and political contexts.

The resource is composed of three parts—1) Voices and Lenses, 2) Theologies, Ideologies, and Resistance, and 3) Systems of Sin and the Jerusalem Microcosm—an extensive appendix, and over a dozen videos.

Mass Murder By Acute Organ Failure NOT Protection Against Covid Consequence Of Covid Vaccination - NPR A Participant

US National Public Radio (NPR) is flabbergasted by a major uptick in emergency room admissions across the United States.

By Ethan Huff: Even though it is painfully obvious that “fully vaccinated” Americans are getting sick in droves NPR is chalking it all up to mystery – or perhaps something spooky since Halloween is just days away.

In Lansing, Mich., for instance, Sparrow Hospital is seeing a massive swarm of very ill patients having to be lined up on stretchers in the facility’s hallways due to a shortage of available beds.

“It’s hard to watch,” said Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room’s nursing director.

“I always feel very, very bad when I walk down the hallway and see that people are in pain or needing to sleep or needing quiet. But they have to be in the hallway with, as you can see, 10 or 15 people walking by every minute.”

You Need To Understand What Anglosphere Universities Are - Places For The Demonization Of White People

Rutgers professor on white people: We gotta take these white motherfuckers out

College Fix Staff: Citing the need for “honest conversations,” a controversial Rutgers professor declared in a recent interview that “White people are committed to being villains,” and “We gotta take these motherfuckers out.”

Dr. Brittney Cooper, a professor in the Rutgers Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department that goes by the Twitter moniker “ProfessorCrunk,” appeared on a September YouTube interview with writer Michael Harriot of The Root to discuss Critical Race Theory and recent attempts to oppose it being taught in elementary and high schools.

The video was unearthed by the Media Research Center, which tweeted it this week.

“White people thought, ‘there is a world here, and we own it,’” said Cooper, arguing that white people are afraid to give up power because they may face retribution from African Americans who have been historically oppressed.

Brain-Rinsed Misandrists Exposing Themselves On TikTok

Where have all the good men gone? As far away from you as possible.

We Will Not Comply!

Story #1: NIH Silently Removes “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins Lied to Congress About Funding the Research in China

Archived: Gain-of-Function Research Involving Potential Pandemic Pathogens