20 Nov 2021

Who Doesn't Own The Media?

"The girl still has a boys' voice. Let's call in Rachel Levine to cut off his balls and finish off the job. ...Brought to you by the devil's own children, Christ hating Jews! Race bating, by pitting blacks against whites, is also a fave thing for Jews to do." -Ex-Jew Nathanael.

Hamas Freedom Fighters Declared Terrorists Zio-Shill British Government Supports Jews' Apartheid Regime "IsRealHell"

Those expressing support for the heroic Palestinian resistance movement are risking up to 10 years in prison.

Britain supports the anti-Gentile apartheid of the aggressors at the expense of the victims.

"The occupation is terrorism. Killing the indigenous population, displacing them by force, demolishing their homes and imprisoning them is terrorism."

By MEE staff: The Zio-Shill Shabbos Shiksa British Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced plans to proscribe the political wing of Hamas as a terrorist organisation, with those expressing support for the movement risking up to 10 years in prison.

The Covid “Vaccine” Has Caused A Pandemic

'Information from every country shows that infection and death rises with vaccination. ...The data from Israel bears out that the pandemic is among the vaccinated. ...The reason the vaccinated are at risk is two-fold. The “vaccine” has serious side-effects that are confused with Covid, and the “vaccine” damages and ultimately destroys the innate human immune system, making the vaccinated more susceptible to every virus and illness.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The corrupt American Medical Establishment led by the mass murderer Tony Fauci was forced some time ago to admit that the Covid “vaccine” quickly loses effectiveness against the virus. But they claimed the “vaccine” did protect against cases bad enough to send you to the hospital or to your death.

Now Fauci has been forced to back off this false claim. Vasko Kohlmayer reports: Last week Dr. Anthony Fauci made perhaps the most damning confession in the Covid vaccine saga. So far-reaching are the implications of his statement that the interview in which he made it may well prove a turning point in the fight against the great vaccine fraud that is being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

“Hang On… Fast Food Does WHAT Now?!”

Russell Brand: A new study shows that dangerous chemicals have been detected in fast foods.

Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based On Opinion Polls, Not Science

Elicit fear then use calls for lockdown as justification for lockdown...

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Jordan Peterson says he spoke to a senior government adviser who told him Canada’s COVID restriction policies are completely driven by opinion polls and not science.

“In relation to the COVID restrictions, I talked to a senior adviser to one of the provincial governments a couple of weeks ago,” said Peterson.

“He told me flat out that the COVID policy here is driven by nothing but opinion polls related to the popularity of the government,” he added.

“No science, no endgame in sight, no real plan, and so what that means is that the part of the population that is most afraid of COVID,” are driving the policy.

Peterson pointed to figures that prove people vastly exaggerate the risk of being hospitalized by COVID due to relentless government fearmongering campaigns.