6 Dec 2021

James O'Keefe Responds To New Twitter Policy

"Does twitter think they are now above the United States Supreme Court?"

Project Veritas: Investigate & expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical & transparent society.

The Fragility Of Freedom In The Free World

'Information from every country shows that hospitalizations and deaths rise with vaccination. The majority of people in hospitals and the majority of people dying are vaccinated people. The only safe people appear to be the unvaccinated.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: 2021 has been the year in which the fragility of freedom in the Free World was revealed.  Throughout the Western World executive branch officials devoid of law-making authority have issued “mandates” depriving entire populations of jobs, incomes, freedom of movement, freedom of association even with family, and freedom from medical coercion.  Even private employers have assumed the law-making role by requiring their work forces to accept injection with a dangerous “vaccine” that, according to the adverse vaccine reaction databases of the US, UK, and EU, have sickened and killed as many or more people than Covid itself.

The “vaccine” has proven to be ineffective in preventing infection with Covid, ineffective in preventing the spread of infection, but very effective in causing serious side effects, in damaging the innate immune system, thus making vaccinated people more susceptible to illnesses and diseases, and in making vaccinated people with Covid the main spreaders of the virus.

Ex-Pfizer Scientist/Employee 'Syrian Girl' Speaks Out Against Virus Mandates At Parliament House Perth Australia

"What are all these vaccine mandates really about? Money And Control! The truth is that the mandate is more dangerous than any vaccine and any virus. ...DO NOT COMPLY!"

SyrianGirl: My speech outside parliament. I added subtitles. Yes I worked for Pfizer! Yes I'm a scientist! Yes I live in Perth!

Jews' Apartheid Regime Leader Naftali "Gentile Scragger" Bennett Blesses Street Executions Of Indigenous Gentiles

The Zio-Jew control freaks release such footage when they think it bolsters their narrative of events but in countless other cases, such as the execution of Iyad Hallaq in Jerusalem, they prevent video from being made public.

By Maureen Clare Murphy: Naftali Bennett praised the execution of a Palestinian who was lying on the ground by paramilitary police near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem on Saturday.

The Jewish Israel apartheid regime prime minister gave the officers his “full backing.”

“That is how our forces are expected to act and that is how they acted,” Bennett added.

Bennett’s comments demonstrate his commitment to the Jewish Israel regime’s shoot-to-kill policy against Palestinians that intensified during the last several years of his predecessor Bibi "The Baby Butcher" Netanyahu’s tenure.

Jew Occupied Palestine In Pictures: November 2021

Murder Of Gentile Children, Bodies Withheld, Medical Neglect, Skunk Water, Land Theft. This Is The Jews' Anti-Gentile Land Theft Project "IsRealHell" This And Every Month For Approaching A Century - Who Still Believes That Hitler And The Germans Were The Bad Guys?

Palestinians mourn over the body of Isra Khazimiya during her funeral in Qabatiya village near northern West Bank mega concentration camp on 20 November. The woman was killed by the Jews when she accidentally inadvertently ran into a hail of their bullets. Shadi Jarar’ah APA images

The Electronic Intifada: Jewish apartheid regime occupation forces killed four more Palestinians – two of them children – during November.

Jewish Israel death forces IDF and Jewish land thieves [aka settlers] have killed more than 330 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza mega concentration camps for indigenous Gentiles since the beginning of the year.

Jewish mercs shot Muhammad Amjad Dadas, 15, in the stomach near Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank on 5 November, killing him.

The NATOstan Clown Show

American hysteria over the “imminent” Russian invasion of Ukraine has exploded every geopolitical Stupid-o-Meter in sight

By Pepe Escobar: American hysteria over the “imminent” Russian invasion of Ukraine has exploded every geopolitical Stupid-o-Meter in sight – and that’s quite an accomplishment.

What a mess. Sections of the U.S. Deep State are in open revolt against the combo that remote controls Crash Test Dummy, who impersonates POTUS. The neocon-neoliberal axis is itching for a war – but has no idea how to sell it to an immensely fractured public opinion.

UKUS, which de facto controls the Five Eyes spy scam, excels only in propaganda. So in the end it’s up to the CIA/MI6 intel axis and their vast network of media chihuahuas to accelerate Fear and Loathing ad infinitum.

Russophobic U.S. Think Tankland would very much cherish a Russian “invasion”, out of the blue, and could not give a damn about the inevitable trouncing of Ukraine. The problem is the White House – and the Pentagon – must “intervene”, forcefully; otherwise that will represent a catastrophic loss of “credibility” for the Empire.