Watch: Third Pro Soccer Player In A Week Experiences Severe Chest Pain During Game

Just a week ago before his mRNA Covid jab, Terrier scored three goals in one match and looked unstoppable...

Authored by Steve Watson: A French professional football (soccer) player had to leave the field of play after just 30 minutes Tuesday night, becoming the third high profile player in the space of one week to experience severe chest pains and shortness of breath.

Welfare And Feminism Destroyed The American Family

'The appearance of radical feminism exacerbated welfare’s destruction of the black family by glorifying female independence and single-mother homes.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Stephen Baskerville, a writer I have followed for many years, explains in the June 2021 issue of Chronicles that it is the US welfare system constructed by the “Great Society” programs, not racism, that explains the plight of many black Americans. Democrat US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned at the time that the welfare system Democrats were putting in place would destroy the black family. As Moynihan predicted, the “war on poverty” decimated the African-American family and created a self-perpetuating underclass of single mothers and fatherless children.

Moynihan spelled it out for his colleagues:

“A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, that community asks for and gets chaos.”

A Message To The People Who Were Conned Into Taking The Humanity Cull mRNA Jabs

"When I said to people that covid passes were going to accompany the jabs I was told I was paranoid conspiracy theorist and that that would never happen there would be uproar people would never tolerate it and yet the very people who said that to me are the ones who ultimately caved, ...they have proven they're cowardly, like the women in an abusive relationship. The reality is like the Irish public they've developed a trauma bond. The cycle of abuse will continue over and over, a form of willing slavery. ...The governments in league with the globalist cabal that controls them, the cabal that's behind the covid scam, have essentially convinced the public to accept a big pharma subscription model in order to live their lives. much longer before bio-censors and other medical devices are expected to become part of the human bodies? ...You're not an anti-micro-chipper are you? ...Can you not see that you were sold snake oil?" Asked Computing Forever

The Assange Issue Is NOT Complicated: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

'The most powerful government in the world is trying to extradite a journalist and try him under the Espionage Act for exposing its war crimes. It is that simple.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: The most powerful regime on the planet imprisoning a journalist for journalistic activity is as brazen and obvious an act of tyranny as you could possibly come up with, and yet you still get pseudoleft pundits acting like you’re some kind of weird freak for expecting them to oppose it.

The Assange issue is not actually complicated. The most powerful government in the world is trying to extradite a journalist and try him under the Espionage Act for exposing its war crimes. It is that simple. This isn’t some super complex subject that you defer to the experts on.

That’s one of the things that’s so frustrating about this case. It’s such a blatant abuse of government power that virtually everyone would normally be ideologically opposed to it, but because there’s been so much media spin on it for so long people don’t see it.

Brian Ludmer On Shared Parenting, Family Therapy And Parental Alienation

Canadian Association for Equality: Brian Ludmer is the owner of a law practice in Toronto focused on family law and parental alienation as well as corporate law. He is an advisory board member to the Parental Alienation Awareness Organisation and the International Support Network for Alienated Families, as well as a co-founder of Lawyers for Shared Parenting. Brian was one of the drafters of Canada's proposed equal shared parenting amendment, Bill C-560. He also co-authored the book “The High-Conflict Custody Battle”.