31 Jan 2022

Proud To Be An American!

"We've really gotten all Jewed out here in our woe begotten country!"

Ex-Jew Nathanael:

How do I love thee, O America, let me count the ways.

IsRealHell: What Is Going On With Covid In Jewish Regime?

'Medical scientists have established that the mRNA vaccines cause our immune system to attack our vital organs. ...Adverse reactions are notrarebut widespread.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: According to reports from The Jews' colonialist anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israel, the Jews there are 90% vaccinated and boostered with 4 jabs, and hospitals are full of 'Omicron' patients and so many doctors and nurses are themselves sick that there is no one to care for the patients.

What is going on?

First of all, here is total proof that the Covid vaccines do not protect, so why are they still being pushed using tyrannical methods as protection? It makes no sense other than the profits of pharmaceutical companies and the power it gives governments to dispense with civil liberty.

See How Large The 'Freedom Convoy' Justin Trudeau Denounced Has Become

Small Fringe Minority

Dave Rubin talks about the massive Freedom Convoy vaccine mandate protest. In Canada the Freedom Truck convoy protesting vaccine mandates is now possibly the largest truck convoy in history.

Justin 'The Mangina' Trudeau still insists that this is simply a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

WHAT?! The Great Reset Is NOT A Conspiracy!

Russell Brand: There’s a new corporate wave of homebuyers in the U.S. real estate market, with buyers stemming from Wall St making ownership for the average family increasingly difficult and forcing them to rent. So, it’s looking like the WEF were right – we will own nothing – but where’s the happiness?

Young Children Developing Cognitive Problems Due To Widespread Use Of Face Coverings...

Speech therapist says that mask wearing during the scamdemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and toddlers, but this has soared to 20 per cent.

Parents are describing their children’s speech problems as COVID tyranny delayed,” with face coverings the primary cause of their speaking skills being seriously impaired.

As young as 8 months old, babies start learning how to speak by reading lips, a thankless task if parents and carers smother themselves with masks to comply with mandates.

Denmark Is First EU Country To Scrap All COVID Restrictions

'It will also stop calling Covid a “societally critical disease”, meaning that it will no longer have the legal basis to introduce wide-ranging curbs.'

Via 21stCenturyWire: Later this week, England is scheduled to drop its moronic mask mandate for shops and public transport, along with its highly unpopular killer vaccine passport regime. Up north, Scotland says it will “relax” so-called ‘work from home guidance,’ and reopen nightclubs, as well as ending venue capacity limits.

While the UK and Ireland gingerly roll-back their highly disruptive COVID restriction policies, other European countries are now leading the way by scrapping the entirepandemicregime altogether.

Financial Times reports…

Denmark said it would lift almost all Covid-19 restrictions and stop designating it a “societally critical” disease on Wednesday in the latest sign that western European countries are easing or even eradicating strict measures brought in to combat the Omicron coronavirus variant.

30 Jan 2022

The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

Corbett: You've been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It's here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year. Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year. Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!

The Fuck Trudeau - Freedom Truck Convoy 2022 - Party Night

Down with Big Pharma and Big Feminist Government Collusion = FASCISM!


Rock On Freedom Truck Convoy 2022 - here and staying for the forseeable future. So many great people coming together. We want freedom now!

Canada’s Cowardly Mass-Murderer PM Goes Into Hiding

The two-bit punk Trudeau wet his pants due to his fear of the manly Truckersprotest

RT: Canadian Chief Mangina Justin Trudeau and his family were moved to an “undisclosed location” in the nation’s capital on Saturday out of security concerns as thousands of protesters gathered outside of parliament in Ottawa, state-owned CBC reported.

Protesters fought cold weather on Saturday to join thousands of truckers who have made headlines and gained the support of anti-mandate activists across the globe, including in the US, as they have made their way into Ottawa, protesting against Trudeau’s Covid measures. Some trucks were emblazoned with messages such as “Fuck Trudeau” and “Mandate freedom.”

New Covid regulations require unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers to isolate for 14 days when they re-enter Canada from the US, a move drivers have been saying would have a major negative impact on their industry. Trudeau previously dismissed the protesters as a “fringe minority,” arguing that over 50,000 truckers that joined the protest were harboring “unacceptable views.”

UK Government Under Criminal Investigation For Causing Death And Injury With Covid Vaccine

Perhaps the Stinking, Dirty, Sordid, and Totally Evil Elites and Their Government Servants Will Be Held Accountable

This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway.”

“The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed.”

“Over One Thousand Scientific Studies Prove that the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Dangerous, and All Those Pushing This Agenda Are Committing the Indictable Crime of Gross Misconduct in Public Office.”

Large Protests Against The Covid Tyranny Imposed By Hard Fascist Governments In Austria And Canada

But the fascist governments do not care what the people think. Austria and Canada are no longer democracies. They are tyrannical police states.

Some frustrated by the impotence of protests are beginning to think that violence is the only solution and that the tyrants should be killed before they consolidate their tyrannical grip over the people.

Sex Differences In Speech Acquisition

Boys underperform at school. One hypothesis is that boys’ poorer spoken language and comprehension at the start of schooling, aged 5, might be part of the reason, the initial disadvantage being amplified by the reduced engagement with school lessons which results.

By MRA-UK: In December I carried out a rapid literature review to examine the questions: (a) Is it true that boys have, on average, poorer language acquisition than girls prior to school age?, and, (b) If so, what biological and environmental factors are known to contribute to this sex difference?

The review was not done for the purpose of making a post here, but I thought I might as well make it available to anyone interested. It is here: Sex Differences in Speech Acquisition by Pre_School Children A Rapid Review.

Update On The WW3 Ukrainian Front + Undercover Babushka

It is over. Putin has won.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Victoria Nuland, the neoconservative war monger appointed Undersecretary of State by the White House fool, announced Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use its influence with Russia to save Ukraine from invasion. She thus acknowledges what everyone had already concluded: the US and NATO lack the capability.

Washington’s surrender followed the request of the Ukrainian president that Washington stop the “Russian invasion” propaganda as there were no signs of an invasion being prepared and Washington’s rhetoric was too provocative. Germany refused flyover permission to the UK for arms deliveries to Ukraine. Two NATO members announced that they would not send troops if NATO got involved in Ukraine. Washington saw the writing on the wall.

Most countries saw Washington’s refusal to agree to the Russian mutual security proposal as unreasonable and dangerous. Moreover, Washington’s strategy of arming and training the Ukrainians and provoking them into a major attack on the Donbass Russians has failed.

29 Jan 2022

"It's 50 Miles Long!" - World's Largest Truck Convoy Arrives In Ottawa To Challenge Trudeau's Fascist Vaxx-Mandate

Chief Canadian mangina Trudeau called the convoy a "small fringe minority" of those who "do not represent the views of Canadians."

The world's largest truck convoy rolled into Canada's capital, Ottawa, late Friday night and continues today to stage a protest against Prime Minister Justin "The Mangina"  Trudeau's cross-border medical tyranny.

The so-called "Freedom Convoy" - coming from all corners of Canada and even the US, has been traveling all week and is leading the charge in a massive demonstration against fascism. Truckers from around the world are uniting and staging protests of their own.

As Enrico Trigoso: Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that America is next.”

“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.

Connecting The Dots: The Heartbreaking Vaccines

"All that keeling over and complaining of inexplicable chest pains by athletes only started in 2021 after the mRNA jabs had been rolled out. ...On January 26th thesun.co.uk published the following, 'HIDDEN RISK Urgent warning as 300,000 Brits living with stealth disease that could kill within 5 years doctors have warned.' Ha, you don't say, tell us more about this disease that no-one was talking about before millions of people had been coerced and propagandised into being injected with the vaccine." -Computing Forever

Covid Tyranny: DON’T Let Them Get Away With It!

"If you had dared to suggest that perhaps natural immunity might be more effective than vaccination prior to this admission by the CDC [US centre for disease control] then you would have been banned from twitter for being a conspiracy theorist and questioning the science. ...I don't believe for a minute that our governments have our best interests at heart.” Points out Brittany Sellner

"What Have You Guys Been Right About?" Adam Carolla Slams Media Over Joe Rogan Controversy

You closed the beaches, closed the schools, cloth masks were gonna save us all, the vaccine was gonna be effective, natural immunity wasn’t effectivewhat have you been right about?”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Comedian Adam Carolla slammed the media over their demand that Joe Rogan be censored for pushing “misinformation,” asking them, “What have you guys been right about?”

Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Carolla why people demanding for Rogan to be censored couldn’t just choose not to listen to him.

“Basically we’ve decided there’s one lane you can be in when it comes to COVID and if you get outside of that lane, you need to be shut down,” the comedian responded.

Carolla said that it was ironic how traditionally anti-establishment figures like rockers and artists were now doing the bidding of the establishment.

We Have Had A Narrow Escape From Balls Deep Tyranny But The War On Freedom Is Not Over

The participants claim they were just playing a germ game, but the simulation ensured that all was in place to control the explanation prior to the release of the “pandemic.”

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: On January 23 I reviewed on this website Kees Van Der Pijl’s new book, States of Emergency https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/01/23/the-covid-deception-is-a-power-grab/ . Van Der Pijl answers the question so many people have of why and how a fake “deadly pandemic” was orchestrated with worldwide participation in the fraud. He shows that the event was long in the making by a global elite consisting of philanthropists such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, elite organizations such as the World Economic Forum, tech companies and multi-billionaire owners, Fauci at NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists, and elite organizations and groups created for the purpose of concentrating power and advancing and protecting the global elites’ rule by using fear to condition the masses to being controlled and deprived of a voice and alternative explanations.

28 Jan 2022

Russia's Lavrov Rejects BS Talks With US On 'Secondary Issues', Insists On US Acceptance Of Russia's Red Lines'

Lavrov says the document given by the US did not form a basis for future negotiations. The US, UK and other Western partners have broken promises to stop Eastward expansion of NATO threatening Russia points out Alexander Mercouris.

Freedom Convoy Prepares To Roll Over Mandates + BBC Fails


Story #1: Biden Withdraws Covid Vaccination, Testing Regulations Aimed at Large Businesses


Biden Admin to List Employees Seeking Religious Exemptions to Vaccine Mandate In New Database

How Many More Little Christian & Muslim Children And Babies Did The Racist Colonialist Jews Murder In 2021?

WATCH: 2-minute video on the 78 Palestinian children murdered by The Jews in 2021


If Americans Knew: See references below. We suggest that voters ask their Congress members to view this video. Since Congress gives The Jews billions of our tax dollars every year, they have a moral obligation to learn what they're funding. Go here to easily contact your representatives: https://israelpalestinenews.org/actio...

Neil Young Is Either An Idiot Or Worse A Henpecked Mangina

Paul Joseph Watson:

"Anyone with half a brain who watches Joe Rogan's show knows that the media's portrayal of what is discussed is consistently malevolently wrong. ...Is Neil Young being held ideologically hostage by his uder woke wife Daryl Hannah?"

US Soldiers Suffering Tremendous Health Injuries From Mandated Covid mRNA Gene Altering “Vaccine”

Attorney Thomas Renz reports that data gathered from military medical records shows military personnel following vaccination are battling heart problems, a 300% increase in cancer, a 300% increase in miscarriages, and a 1000% increase in neurological damage.

All this suffering is the direct consequent of totally corrupt pharmaceutical companies, a total fool in the White House, and a total incompetent in the Pentagon. The harm done to soldiers by the coerced vaccination has given the US military every reason not to trust the higher ups who put pharmaceutical profits above the health of our troops.


27 Jan 2022

COVID-19 Can Be Stopped Without Mass Vaccination: Dr. McCullough "95% Hospitalizations Could Have Been Avoided"

COVID-19 can be stopped without mass vaccination, renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough told NTD’s “Capitol Report” program during the Defeat the Mandatesmarch in Washington D.C., on Jan. 23.

"All Americans are saying we need to stand up against this tyranny."

Speech Is Only Free If Dissenting Voices Get Heard: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

'Get okay with the fact that literally any strategy for revolutionary change is going to look like a long shot. Because the system is just that entrenched and the public is just that propagandized. Ignore anyone who dismisses an idea for facilitating healthy change as a long shot. They’re all long shots.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: How many journalists are capable of doing what Julian Assange did to expose the criminality of the powerful? Not many. How many are both capable and willing? Fewer still. How many of those are now willing after seeing what’s being done to Assange? Even fewer. And that’s what his persecution is all about.

Americans: healthcare please

US government: Sorry did you say send 100 tons of weaponry to Ukraine?

Americans: no, healthcare

US government: Alright, you drive a hard bargain, but here’s those 100 tons of weapons to Ukraine you asked for.

How A Tiny NATO Country Went Rogue & May Prevent World War 3 With Super Powers Russia & China

It is forbidden to recognize that Russia may have legitimate security interests. It is anathema to propose reaching a diplomatic solution instead of fighting a proxy war.

Authored by Clint Ehrlich: The President of Croatia has gone rogue! He's trying to prevent nuclear war over Ukraine. It just might work. For background, it was already clear that the alliance was divided over how involved to be in Ukraine. America, the U.K., Poland, and the Baltic states were transferring weapons. But Germany refused to let any German-made weapons enter the conflict zone.

Then President Biden put 8,500 troops on "high alert" – and warned he might deploy 50,000 to Eastern Europe. The question was... would NATO stand behind this ramping up of pressure? Or would troop deployments on the border of the conflict fracture the alliance?

We now have a preliminary answer, thanks to Croatia's President. "Croatia will not send any troops in case of an escalation," said Zoran Milanović. "On the contrary, it will recall all troops [from NATO], to the last Croatian soldier!"

Must Watch Documentary: Testimony Of Medical Practitioners & Experts From Around The World Shows “Covid Pandemic” Entirely Fictional Orchestrated Creation For Secret Agendas

The peoples of the world have been totally betrayed by their governments and ruling elites and the presstitutes. The Covid Deception is the worst crime in human history. The perpetrators must be held accountable.

By Planet Lockdown: Planet Lockdown is a 90-minute documentary on the situation the world finds itself in.

We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince.

These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. Once we do, it gets easier every time.

Watch: Dr. Rand Paul's Advice On What To Do When Confronted By "Crazy Lunatic" Mask People

“Back away and just say look, can you not find some other lunatic friends to hang around with?”

Authored by Steve Watson: Appearing on Fox News Tuesday, Senator Rand Paul issued advice on what to do if you find yourself confronted by one of the dwindling numbers of mask wearing “lunatics” who continue to appeal for mass “collectivism”.

Host Jesse Watters asked Paul about a recent indecent in which two mask Karens attacked a man for not wearing one, and as he was black, kept yelling ‘Black lives Matter’ at him.

These people clearly aren’t well,” Watters noted, adding Large swaths of America are in a Covid cult.”

The host asked the Senator “As a medical professional, as a genteel Senator and a polite individual, Dr. Rand Paul, what would you recommend Americans do when they are confronted with these mask maniacs, when they are yelled at and screamed at and being recorded on their phone? How should they handle that in a respectful but normal way?”

26 Jan 2022

US Warmongers Deliver Written Response To Russia's Very Real Nuclear Security Concerns - FUCK YOU RUSSIA!

US Gagging For Nuclear World War 3 - Says NATO's Door Open To Ukraine For US Nukes On Russia's Border - Closer Than Cuba!

By Tyler Durden: Russia has finally received its long awaited response to its security demands submitted to NATO and Washington earlier this month. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed Wednesday that a US written response was hand-delivered to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan.

While the US response reportedly rejected Russia’s demand to bar Ukraine from NATO, it still according to Blinken's words "sets out a serious diplomatic path forward should Russia choose it." 

Blinken announced: "The document we've delivered includes concerns of the United States and our allies and partners about Russia's actions that undermine security, a principled and pragmatic evaluation of the concerns that Russia has raised, and our own proposals for areas where we may be able to find common ground."

Natural Immunity: Unvaccinated COVID Recovered Are Far Better Protected Than The mRNA Gene Therapy 'Vaccinated'

PP: The US CDC’s weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report finally proves that previous COVID infection conveys immunity better than that of the fully vaccinated (double jabbed), analyzing data from Delta variant illnesses in August of 2021.

This is no surprise to any clinicians currently working in the field as well as the thousands of data scientists who have been tracking the statistics between outcomes in the fully vaccinated and previously infected for 2 years now. So why is it that just now, 2 years deep into this horrendous pandemic with so many lives lost, and MILLIONS of careers destroyed in its wake, that the CDC is finally getting around to analyzing the data to answer this immensely important question?

The answer to this question is likely pure institutional corruption and incompetent bureaucracy, as we’ve seen played out over and over throughout this crisis.

So the question now is, when will those responsible for this chaos and devastation be brought to justice?

Covid Tyranny: People Are Waking Up To The Lies

Russell Brand: Following news that The US government will stop publishing daily Covid death statistics, are we discovering more links between government health policy and government perception?

Neil Young's A Technocratic Fascist NWO Shill - Shame

'It's Him Or Me.': Neil Young Throws Tantrum Over Joe Rogan, Demands Spotify Remove His Songs

By Tyler Durden: Canadian-American 70s performer Neil Percival Young has taken a stand against free speech - demanding Spotify pull his entire music catalog from their platform unless they silence podcaster Joe Rogan for spreading "fake information" about vaccines.

In an email to Warner Records, Young said Spotify "has a responsibility to mitigate the spread of misinformation on its platform," adding "I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform."

"They can have Rogan or Young. Not both," the raging liberal wrote.

Munich Anti-BDS [Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions v Jews' Apartheid Regime] Policy Illegal, German Federal Court Rules

Visit Apartheid

By Adri Nieuwhof: In a victory for political freedom, a German federal court ruled that Munich’s refusal of a public venue for a debate on the city’s anti-BDS resolution was unconstitutional.

The city’s policy “violates the fundamental right to freedom of expression,” the court ruled.

The decision is a slap in the face for the Munich city council which adopted a resolution in 2017 barring public funding or space for supporters of BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign for Palestinian rights.

The ruling has wide implications for free speech across Germany, where people face regular repression and smears from officials over their support for Palestinian rights.

Meanwhile in neighboring Austria, the Vienna city government is suing a member of BDS Austria for “defamation” over a Facebook post critical of Jewish Israel apartheid.

What Hitchcock Taught The Social Engineers

By James Corbett: You'll recall that late last year I was exploring the central role that narrative plays in shaping our lives. Although it may sound trivial at first glance, story-telling is not just a fundamental part of the human experience, it is one of the primary ways we come to an understanding of the world around us.

From earliest childhood—listening to our parents reading stories to us at bedtime—we learn that the events that shape our world don't just happen. Instead, they follow familiar plot trajectories in which protagonists set out on quests, encounter obstacles, surmount challenges, battle antagonists and ultimately resolve their conflicts by using what they have learned along their journey. This isn't just how story works; for the narrative mind, this is how the world works.

This is one of the central insights of my Film, Literature and the New World Order series: movies, books and TV series aren't mere popcorn entertainment. They reflect our understanding of the world, and—in the hands of the would-be social engineers and predictive programmers—even the dumbest B-movie can be used to implant an idea in the public's mind.

25 Jan 2022

Two Steps Forward And One Step Back + The Future Of Our Food: The Fake Meat Agenda

"Simply create a hegelian crisis. ...The lesser of two evils." -Computing Forever

Most Stupid Creatures On Earth Are US & UK Woke Left & Tech Companies That Impose Woke Idiocy On The Rest Of Us

Not a single Wokie has enough intelligence to justify the creature’s existence.

UK University finds novel 1984 offensive and upsetting

RT: Students are being warned of ‘explicit material’ awaiting them in a novel that, ironically, describes the dangers of censorship
The University of Northampton has issued a harsh warning over potentially “offensive and upsetting” material contained in the famous dystopia by George Orwell, ‘1984.’

The novel, which describes the dangers of totalitarian rule and censorship, is now red-flagged, as it addresses “challenging issues related to violence, gender, sexuality, class, race, abuses, sexual abuse, political ideas and offensive language.”

The warning, issued to students taking a module called ‘Identity Under Construction,’ became public following a Freedom of Information request by The Mail on Sunday.

The US Bombed A Vital Dam In Syria, Lied About It & Called Anyone Who Reported The Truth "Crazy"

'Those who had it right in real time - many from independent and alternative media - were dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" and loons, but now this. ...It was an elite Pentagon unit behind the attack on vital civilian infrastracture, responsible for other mass atrocities in Syria.'

By Tyler Durden: Many years too late, it appears The New York Times has suddenly discovered that the United States has been committing war crimes in Syria, coming long after it was clear Washington was pursuing regime change in Damascus. With Assad still in control of most of the country, US efforts have turned to far-reach sanctions of late, which have greatly increased the sufferings of common Syrians. Like with Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq before, the Times was the foremost cheerleader for that war, laundering Pentagon and admin propaganda, and only many years later admitting the truth that it was all based on lies... so now it seems to be going with Syria.

Spoiler Alert “You Will Own Nothing, Eat Insects, Take It Up The Ass & Be Happy” - Davos 2022 The Great Anal Reset

"Get the fuck out of my parking space!"

Russell Brand: The annual globalization ball in Davos is upon us once again - a virtual event for the second year running. A new book Davos Manreveals how its founder Klaus Schwab benefits from this gathering of the global elite.

Fascist Australian Authorities Say Draconian Vaccine Passports Will Last For "Years" - Code For Forever

Australia has fallen...

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Authorities in Western Australia say their draconian new vaccine passport scheme, which bars the unvaccinated from most public places, is likely to be in place for “years.”

Premier Mark McGowan announced the new measures, which will go into effect from the end of the month, as “the broadest proof of vaccination requirements in the nation.”

The vaccine passport mandate will now cover “a wider range of venues.”

“From Monday, January 31, 2022, the vaccine passport mandates will cover cafes, restaurants, dine-in fast food joints, pubs, bars, taverns, clubs, nightclubs, and “all hospitality venues,” as well as private and public hospitals and aged-care facilities,” writes Ken Macon.

Entertainment venues such as “play centers, gaming and gambling, theaters, concert halls, museums, cinemas, and live music venues,” will also be off limits for the unjabbbed.

24 Jan 2022

Insidious Oligarchical Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Overt Censorship

'It’s possible to tweak algorithms in such a way that dissident information exists online, but nobody ever sees it. ...Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. ...Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation has already become one of the most consequential forms of narrative control.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: Journalist Jonathan Cook has a new blog post out on his experience with being throttled into invisibility by Silicon Valley algorithmic suppression that will ring all too familiar for any online content creators who’ve been sufficiently critical of official western narratives over the last few years.

“My blog posts once attracted tens of thousands of shares,” Cook writes. “Then, as the algorithms tightened, it became thousands. Now, as they throttle me further, shares can often be counted in the hundreds. ‘Going viral’ is a distant memory.”

Nuclear World War III: The Insanity Of The West Accelerates

'Russia does not want the broke and troublesome Ukraine. Russia just wants Ukraine not to become a place for US missile bases.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The New York Times reports that Biden is going to forestall Russian aggression against Ukraine by deploying between 1,000 and 5,000 US troops on Russia’s border and is prepared to increase the number of troops tenfold to 10,000 to 50,000 soldiers. A Russian army would eat this small number for a snack in 5 minutes. Clearly the purpose of the deployment is not military. The purpose is to heighten the “Russian threat” in the minds of the people in advance of a false flag event that will be blamed on the Kremlin.

If Biden wants to deter Russia all he needs to do is to give Russia the security guarantee she says she needs. Why does Biden want Russia to be insecure?

The cause of the problem is obvious. In 2014 the US in an attempt to deprive Russia of her Black Sea naval base overthrew a Russian-friendly and democratically elected Ukrainian government and installed a neo-Nazi regime that began war against the Russian inhabitants of the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine, formerly parts of Russia that had been transferred during the Soviet era into the the Soviet Union’s Ukrainian province.

Our Father - Persona Non Grata - How Our UK Family Law System Facilitates Misandric "Parental Alienation"

Fingerpost Films: Taken from numerous first hand accounts, and in collaboration with the charity Families Need Fathers, this 15 minute film shows how our legal system does not protect our children from a parent who is pathologically selfish. There is nothing written in law to uphold the equality that most parents assume is their legal right. 96% of all contact orders (court applications to even see your child) are from fathers.

Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear

...you just havent noticed because you’re still allowed to watch Netflix or buy a gun or say whatever you want to say within a small impotent online echo chamber.

By Caitlin Johnstone: Consider the possibility that the Orwellian dystopia you fear is already here and has been in place for many years, you just haven’t noticed because you’re still allowed to watch Netflix or buy a gun or say whatever you want to say within a small impotent online echo chamber.

Consider the possibility that the powerful are already getting everything they want from you, right now, exactly as things are, and that any suspicious action you see them taking isn’t them constructing a cage for you but them tightening the bolts on a cage that was quietly built around you some time ago.

Consider the possibility that while they’ve been training you to watch out for communism and microchips and overt totalitarianism, they’ve been covertly transforming us all into mindless gears in a machine constructed to serve their interests which challenges them in no way, shape or form.

NHS Infectious Diseases Consultant On His Reasons Behind Not Getting 'Vaccinated' For Covid

"If you want to mandate people to have vaccines you have a moral duty to provide evidence that it's necessary. The evidence now shows that the vaccines don't help."

There’s A Mass Gentile Grave At A Popular Jew Occupied Palestine Beach, Jewish Mercs Confess

I was a murderer. I didn’t take prisoners,” admitted a Jew present for the June 1948 massacre in the Palestinian town of Tantura. “I had a machine gun with 250 bullets. I cant say how many Gentiles I murdered.”

By Adam Raz: “They silenced it,” the Jew Moshe Diamant says, trying to be spare with his words. “It mustn’t be told, it could cause a whole scandal. I don’t want to talk about it, but it happened. What can you do? It happened.”

Twenty-two years have passed since the furor erupted over the account of what occurred during the conquest by The Jews of the village of Tantura, north of Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast, in the War of Independence. The controversy sprang up in the wake of a master’s thesis written by a Jewish graduate student named Theodore Katz, that contained testimony about atrocities perpetrated by the Alexandroni Brigade against Arab prisoners of war.